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File #: RLH RR 16-9    Version:
Type: Resolution LH Substantial Abatement Order Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Final action: 6/1/2016
Title: Ordering the rehabilitation or razing and removal of the structures at 839 THOMAS AVENUE within fifteen (15) days after the March 16, 2016, City Council Public Hearing.
Sponsors: Dai Thao
Ward: Substantial Abatement Orders, Ward - 1
Attachments: 1. 839 Thomas Ave.OTA 12-10-15, 2. 839 Thomas Ave.PH 1-22-16, 3. 839 Thomas Ave.Code Compliance Report 5-5-15, 4. 839 Thomas Ave.SHPO 12-22-15, 5. 839 Thomas Ave.Photos #1.12-3-15, 6. 839 Thomas Ave.Photos #2.12-3-15, 7. 839 Thomas Ave.Photos #3.12-3-15, 8. 839 Thomas Ave.Georlitz email to staff.1-20-16, 9. 839 Thomas Ave.Sheriff's Report of Sale, 10. 839 Thomas Ave.OTSC signed, 11. 839 Thomas Ave.Order, 12. 839 Thomas Ave.Mckusick R-R Ltr.2-24-16, 13. 839 Thomas Ave.Mckusick R-R Ltr.3-29-16, 14. 839 Thomas Ave.Revised Work Plan and Bids.4-11-16, 15. 839 Thomas Ave.Work Plan and Insurance Claim.4-4-16, 16. 839 Thomas Ave.Neighbor email opposing demolition.4-11-16, 17. 839 Thomas Ave.Historic St Paul email opposing demolition.4-11-16, 18. 839 Thomas Ave.Fernandez email opposing demolition.4-11-16, 19. 839 Thomas Ave.Snelling Bid.4-8-16, 20. 839 Thomas Ave.Affidavit of Financial.4-11-16, 21. 839 Thomas Ave.Confession of Judgment.4-8-16, 22. 839 Thomas Ave.Mckusick R-R Ltr.4-14-15, 23. 839 Thomas Ave.Revised Work Plan.5-3-16, 24. 839 Thomas Ave.Revised Work Plan #2.5-3-16, 25. 839 Thomas Ave.Owner Photos.4-26-16, 26. 839 Thomas Ave.Mckusick R-R Ltr.5-12-16, 27. 839 Thomas Ave.Revised Work Plan.5-20-16, 28. 839 Thomas Ave.Financial Docs.5-17-16, 29. 839 Thomas Ave.Snelling Bids-Financial.5-23-16, 30. 839 Thomas Ave.Affidavit.5-23-16, 31. 839 Thomas Ave.Mckusick R-R Ltr.6-1-16
Related files: RLH RR 16-46
Ordering the rehabilitation or razing and removal of the structures at 839 THOMAS AVENUE within fifteen (15) days after the March 16, 2016, City Council Public Hearing.
AMENDED 5/4/16 and June 1, 2016
WHEREAS, the Department of Safety and Inspections has determined that 839 THOMAS AVENUE is a nuisance building pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §45.02 as 1) it is a vacant building as defined in §43.02; and 2) it has multiple housing code or building code violations or it has conditions constituting material endangerment as defined in §34.23, or it has a documented and confirmed history as a blighting influence in the community; and

WHEREAS, this property is legally described as follows, to wit: Chute Brothers Division no 13 Lot 21; and

WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and information on file or obtained by the Department of Safety and Inspections, the following are the owners, interested or responsible parties for the subject property as of January 22, 2016: Mckusick Building Services LLC, 3206 Adair Ave NE, Buffalo MN 55313-3691; Superior Financing Inc., 8053 E Bloomington Freeway Suite 300, Bloomington MN 55420; JN Homes LLC, 8362 Tamarack Village Suite 119, Woodbury MN 55125; Jared Goerlitz, PFB Law, PA, 55 Fifth St E Suite 800, Saint Paul MN 55101; Frogtown Neighborhood Association; and

WHEREAS, each of these parties was served a written order dated December 10, 2015 advising them of the basis for the determination that the subject property was a nuisance, and that the nuisance building was to be repaired or razed and removed by January 9, 2016; and

WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or raze and remove the structures(s) located on the Subject Property by January 9, 2016; and

WHEREAS, a placard indicating the City’s order that this nuisance building be abated was posted on the building on December 11, 2015 in accordance with Saint Paul ...

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