Public hearing to consider the appeal of Alatus Development LLC to a decision of the Planning Commission to deny a site plan for Lexington Station Apartments at 411-417 Lexington Parkway North. (Public hearing was closed on March 17)
See attached PC Resolution 21-05 dated February 5, 2021, and background information included in the staff report.
Zoning File #: 21-237-456
Appellant: Alatus Development LLC
Purpose: Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to deny a site plan for Lexington Station Apartments at 411-417 Lexington Pkwy. N.
On January 14, 2021, the Zoning Committee held a public hearing where all parties were afforded an opportunity to be heard.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
District Council: No Comment
Zoning Committee: Recommended Approval with conditions, vote: 5 in favor - 2 against
Support: 3 people spoke, 1 letter received
Opposition: 6 person spoke, 10 letters received
Planning Commission: Recommended Denial, vote: 8 in favor - 7 against
Required Background Information
[Enter the following information:
Does this issue fall within the 60 day rule?
If yes, when does the 60 days expire?
Feb 16, 2021
Has an extension been granted?
If so, to what date?
April 17, 2021
Key Staff Contact
Ashley Skarda