Amending Chapter 324 of the Legislative Code pertaining to flavored tobacco and making amendments to comply with state statute.
Chapter 324. - Tobacco
Sec. 324.01. - License required.
(a) No person shall sell or offer for sale at retail within the city any tobacco, tobacco-related device, electronic delivery device, or nicotine or lobelia delivery product or in any manner represent or hold himself or herself out as one who sells or offers for sale at retail any tobacco, tobacco-related device, electronic delivery device, or nicotine or lobelia delivery product or maintain a tobacco vending machine for the sale of tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, or nicotine or lobelia delivery products without a license.
(b) A tobacco vending machine may be located in a public accommodation, provided that:
(1) All tobacco vending machines shall be operable only by the activation of an electronic switch operated by an employee of the establishment before each sale, or by insertion of a token provided to the purchaser by an employee of the licensee; and
(2) The machine shall be located in the immediate vicinity, plain view and control of a responsible employee so that all tobacco purchases will be readily observable by that employee. The tobacco vending machine shall not be located in a coatroom, restroom, unmonitored hallway, outer waiting area or similar unmonitored areas. The tobacco vending machine shall be inaccessible to the public when the establishment is closed.
(c) Any license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be issued to the person, firm or corporation that operates the principal business at that address. Each vending machine shall be required to have a separate license.
(d) No license may be issued pursuant to this chapter for a location or place of sale if a tobacco license previously...
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