Public hearing to consider the appeal of property owners, Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), to a decision by the Heritage Preservation Commission denying the demolition of 275 Bates Avenue in the Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District. (Public hearing continued from August 17, 2016) (To be withdrawn.)
HPC File Number: 16-002
Appellent: Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Location: 275 Bates Avenue, Dayton's Bluff Heritage Preservation District
Applicant: St. Paul HRA
Owner: St. Paul HRAu
Purpose: Appeal a Heritage Preservation Commission decision denying demolition
HPC Decision: Denial, Unanimous
Staff Recommendation: Denial
Testimony in support of demolition: 0
Testimony in opposition to demolition: 11 (written), 4 (in-person)
Required Background Information
Does this issue fall within the 60 day rule? Per Leg. Code 73.06(f) for HPC Decision only
If yes, when does the 60 days expire? N/A
Has an extension been granted? No
If so, to what date?
Key Staff Contact
Christine Boulware, 651-266-6615