Public hearing to consider the appeal of Ray and Sheila Meyer to a Heritage Preservation Commission decision at 526 Portland Avenue in the Historic Hill Heritage District. (Public hearing continued from March 18)
File Name: 526 Portland Avenue HPC Appeal
Address: 526 Portland Avenue
Purpose: Appeal of a Heritage Preservation Commission decision to deny repaving of the driveway, portion of the sidewalk and curb-cut apron with a red tinted, brick stamped patterned concrete.
Support: 4 people spoke, 1 letter was received
Opposition: 0 people spoke, 0 letters were received
Heritage Preservation Commission Decision: Denied, Vote: 11-0 (motion: Dana, second: Bezat)
Staff Assigned: Peter Warner 651-266-8789
524-526 Portland Ave Notice of Appeal
Appeal summary 526 Portland HPC appeal
524-526 Portland concrete HPC resolution
HPC minutes 11-16-2017
HPC PowerPoint 11-16-2017
Owners history of work
Original staff report 526 Portland
Original project plans
Back driveway before and after
Applicant stamped process
Applicant Examples of brick driveways
Applicant brick steps
Applicant Brick Landscape Photos