Approving adverse action against the Auto Repair Garage and Second-Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle licenses held by Bee Lee & Tou Yang, d/b/a MC Auto Repair & Tire Services at 1202 Dale Street North. (Public hearing held August 1; laid over from September 5)
WHEREAS, the Auto Repair Garage and Second-Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle licenses held by Bee Lee & Tou Yang d/b/a MC Auto Repair & Tire Services (License ID #20160000541) for the premises located at 1202 Dale Street North in Saint Paul were the subject of a Notice of Violation sent June 28, 2018; and
WHEREAS, the Notice stated that during an inspection of the licensed premises on May 11, 2018 an inspector from the Department of Safety and Inspections documented violations to #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #11 and #17; and
WHEREAS, during a re-inspection of the licensed premises on June 6, 2018, that same inspector documented violations to license conditions #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #11 and #17
WHEREAS, per Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.05 (m) (1), the licensing office recommended a $500.00 matrix penalty; and
WHEREAS, the licensee responded to the Notice of Violation with a request for a public hearing which was scheduled on August 1, 2018; so therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Bee Lee & Tou Yang d/b/a MC Auto Repair & Tire Services are hereby ordered to pay a $500.00 matrix penalty for violations to license conditions #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #11 and #17 documented by an inspector from the Department of Safety and Inspections during re-inspection of the licensed premises on June 6, 2018.
Payment of such penalty shall be made within thirty (30) days of the date of the adoption of this resolution.
Said penalty will be stayed for a period of twelve (12) months pending no same or similar violations.