Amending Chapter 6.03 of the City Charter pertaining to the application of Administrative Citations for violations of City Ordinances, based on the recommendation of the Charter Commission pursuant to Minnesota Statute section 410.12, subdivision 7.
WHEREAS, all changes to the City Charter must be recommended by the Saint Paul Charter Commission, and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council by RES 24-1572 requested the Saint Paul Charter Commission to review, approve and recommend an amendment to Chapter 6.03 of the City Charter, and
WHEREAS on November 26, 2024 and December 12, 2024 the Charter Commission considered the matter and held a public hearing on the proposed Amendment, and
WHEREAS on December 12, 2024, the Charter Commission voted, 12 in favor and 3 opposed, to recommend Chapter 6.03.1 of the City Charter be amended as follows by CCI 24-8 :
Section 6.03.1 - Legislative ordinances
Subdivision 1. Every act of the council which defines, licenses, regulates, suppresses, prevents or prohibits any act, business or person, grants or modifies or modifies any franchise, imposes a civil penalty or is in any way an exercise of legislative powers, shall be done by legislative ordinance. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, such ordinances shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of the council.
Subdivision 2. With the exception of the failure to pay fines or fees, the council may establish, alter, amend or repeal an ordinance to impose a civil penalty for each violation of a city ordinance. For each ordinance the City would like to enforce using a civil penalty, the Council must adopt or amend an ordinance (a) outlining the amount of fine and other penalties that can be imposed for a first or subsequent violation of that ordinance; and (b) describing the procedure to impose civil penalties.
1. Any civil monetary penalty amount must be imposed equitably.
2. The procedur...
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