Amending Council File RLH TA 22-189, ratifying the assessments for Securing and/or Emergency Boarding during December 2021 at 1654 EDMUND AVENUE. (File No. J2208B, Assessment No. 228107)
WHEREAS on May 18, 2022, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File No. RLH TA 22-189, said Resolution being ratifying the assessments for Securing and/or Emergency Boarding during December 2021. (File No. J2208B, Assessment No. 228107); and
WHEREAS, the property at 1654 Edmund Avenue, being described as: Geo. J. Anderson’s Midway, Addi Lot 4 Blk 2 Stierle MC Conville and …Andersons Midway Add Lot 4 Blk 2, with the property identification number 33-29-23-14-0119 was assessed an amount of $532; and
WHEREAS, property owner, Linda Sullivan, was invoiced an assessment to be made payable over 4 years, rather than the recommended 5 years; and
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the assessment be payable over 5 years; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that the reduction of $532 be made payable over 5 years. Council File No. RLH TA 22-189 is hereby amended to reflect this change.