Changing the rate of pay for Heavy Equipment Operator-Water. (To be withdrawn)
WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources conducted a whole classification job study for the classification of Heavy Equipment Operator-Heavy; and
WHEREAS, the results of the job study instruct that the rate of pay for Heavy Equipment Operator-Heavy be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 004 to the rates below in the newly established Grade 006 in Employee Group 75, the Tri-Council Operating Engineers Salary Schedule; now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, pursuant to City Charter Sections 6.03.3(5) and 12.01, that the rate of pay for the Heavy Equipment Operator-Heavy classification be changed from Grade 004 to the rate set forth in the new Grade 006 in Employee Group 75, the Tri-Council Operating Engineers Employee Group. This resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval.
Current Salary Grade 004
1: Start $30.54
2: 20 Year $31.05
New Salary Grade 006
1: Start $31.74
2: 20 year $32.25