Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1562 GOODRICH AVENUE. (File No. CG1903A2, Assessment No. 190122)
Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: 10/3/2019
Time of LH: 9:45 AM
Date of CPH: 11/13/2019
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Postcard Returned by: Kathleen Deming
Cost: $60.83
Hauling Service(s) Provided: Garbage Service Small Cart Every Other Week; Apr 1 - Jun 30 2019
Type of Order/Fee: Trash Hauling
Billing Time Period: 2nd Quarter of 2019 (Apr 1 - Jun 30)
Invoice Date(s):
Returned Mail/Notice Concerns?:
Stated Reason for Appeal (if given): I object! - to you for being billed for a service which I have NEVER need + don't want, I still share with a neighbor, as i've done for more than 10 years.I'm not wasting minutes from my 75 year old life to hobble to City Hall on my post-op knees to talk to a Council which doesn't even listen- or act well enough to pretend to. I live by my wits on Social Security + returned my cart to City Hall a year ago. I make so little trash, it's cheaper for me to mail it to you each month by 1st class mail. Kathleen Deming
Staff Comments: Under citywide garbage service, all residential properties with up to four units, including rental homes and townhomes, are required to have a garbage cart and receive garbage service for each dwelling unit. Property owners must provide garbage service for all occupied dwellings. There is no option to opt out of the citywide garbage service. The property owner is responsible for paying the outstanding charge, as garbage service was provided from April through June 2019. The property owner is currently using a 35-gallon Small Every Other Week, which is the least frequent service level available.
WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Collection of Delinquent Garbage Bills for services during April to June 2019. (...
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