Authorization to designate Neighborhood Development Alliance (“NeDA”), as tentative developer of 605 & 617 Stryker Avenue and 604, 610 & 612 Winslow Avenue, Saint Paul, MN and waiver of the 45 day early notification under the Disposition Policy, District 3, Ward 2
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the “HRA”) is a public body corporate and politic established pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001, et seq. (the “Act”); and
WHEREAS, HRA owns land located at 605 & 617 Stryker Avenue and 604, 610 & 612 Winslow Avenue (the “Properties”); and
WHEREAS, the HRA issued a Request for Offers for Purchase and Development 617 Stryker Avenue and 604, 610 & 612 Winslow Avenue on June 15, 2018, with initial review starting August 15, 2018 in compliance with the HRA’s disposition policy; and
WHEREAS, the HRA subsequently purchased the adjoining parcel located at 605 Stryker Avenue on March 12, 2019; and
WHEREAS, by December 2018 HRA staff received five offers to purchase the HRA owned Property and some offers included 605 Stryker Avenue; and
WHEREAS, HRA staff would like to include 605 Stryker Avenue with the Properties under consideration for Tentative Developer Status, and is requesting a waiver of the disposition policy’s 45 day early notification requirement; and
WHEREAS, after reviewing the five proposals, HRA staff is recommending that the HRA accept the proposal of Neighborhood Development Alliance (“NeDA”) to construct a 57 unit affordable senior housing development on the Property (the “Project”); and
WHEREAS, of the five proposals received, the Project proposed by NeDA best accomplishes the objectives and goals of the HRA Land Disposition Policy and best complies with the strategies set forth in the Citywide Comprehensive Plan /Redevelopment Plan now legally in effect in the City of Saint Paul, including particularly those related to preserving and promoting e...
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