Appeal of Christine Newman to a Correction Notice at 1898 BERKELEY AVENUE.
Date/Time of 1st LH: Oct. 16, 2018 at 11:00
Purpose of Appeal: Mail-in. There were no comments or attachments.
Date of Order(s) Under Appeal: Oct. 2, 2018
Inspector/Key Staff: Sean Westenhofer
Legislative Hearing Staff Comments: the Legislative Hearing date stated in the October 16 minutes is in error. It should be December 18 instead of the 17th.
AMENDED 1/9/19
WHEREAS, in the matter of Appeal of Christine Newman to a Correction Notice at 1898 BERKELEY AVENUE, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed the appeal and considered the testimony of City staff and the appellant;
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommend to the City Council is to grant to June 14, 2019 to comply with the garage forthcoming pending a work plan to address the exterior repairs to the garage, including timelines to be discussed in Legislative Hearing on December 18, 2018; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and adopts the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation in this matter.