Amending Legislative Code Title XXIII, reserved Chapter 233, pertaining to Public Health, Safety and Welfare by adopting language requiring Saint Paul employers to provide earned safe and sick time for their workers in Saint Paul.
The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain
Section 1.
That previously reserved Leg. Code Chapter 233 is hereby enacted to read as follows
Sec. 233.01. Statement of legislative purpose and intent.
The purposes of this chapter are:
(a) to ensure that all workers in the City of Saint Paul can address their own health needs and the health needs of their family members by requiring employers to provide a minimum level of earned sick leave, including leave for care for family members; (b) to diminish public and private health-care costs and promote preventative health services in the City of Saint Paul by enabling workers to seek routine medical care for themselves and their family members; (c) to protect the public’s health in Saint Paul by reducing the risk and spread of contagion; (d) to assist victims of domestic abuse and their family members by providing them with job-protected paid leave away from work to allow them to receive treatment and take the necessary steps to ensure their protection; (e) to promote the economic security and stability of workers and their families, as well as businesses serving the City of Saint Paul and its residents; (f) to protect residents and all workers in the City of Saint Paul from losing their jobs or facing discipline as a result of illness and use of sick leave to care for themselves or their family members; and (g) to safeguard the public welfare, health, safety, and prosperity of the people in the City of Saint Paul.
The council recognizes that its objective of promoting the overall health and safety of the residents and workers in the City of Saint Paul by reducing the risk of and spread of communicable disease and contagion, in a manner that is fair and reasonable ...
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