Public hearing to consider the appeal by Nova Classical Academy of a Planning Commission decision to uphold the Planning Administrator’s approval of changes to the Victoria Park Master Plan to allow a 49 ½ ft. high apartment building at 763 Kay Avenue.
Required Background Information
Zoning File #: 16-026-302
Appellant: Nova Classical Academy
Address: 763 Kay Ave, SW corner at Mercer Way
Purpose: Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to uphold the Planning Administrator’s approval of changes to the Victoria Park Master Plan to allow a 49 ½ ft. high apartment building at 763 Kay Avenue. (Zoning File # 16-015-194)
Staff Recommendation: Denial of the appeal
District Council: Approval of the appeal
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Denial of the appeal, vote: 3-1-0
Support: 3 people spoke, 13 letters were received
Opposition: 1 people spoke, 0 letters were received
Planning Commission Decision: Appeal denied, vote: 12-3 (DeJoy, Makarios, Underwood)
Deadline for Action: June 7, 2016 (extended from original deadline of April 8, 2016)
Staff Assigned: Bill Dermody, 651-266-6617
Attachments: Planning Commission resolution 16-12
Planning Commission minutes, April 1, 2016
Zoning Committee minutes, March 24, 2016
Deadline for action extension letter
Correspondence received
Staff Report packet