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File #: APC 16-2    Version:
Type: Appeal-Planning Comm Status: Archived
In control: City Council
Final action: 5/4/2016
Title: Public hearing to consider the appeal by Nova Classical Academy of a Planning Commission decision to uphold the Planning Administrator’s approval of changes to the Victoria Park Master Plan to allow a 49 ½ ft. high apartment building at 763 Kay Avenue.
Sponsors: Rebecca Noecker
Ward: Appeal, Ward - 2
Code sections: Sec. 61.702. - Appeals to city council.
Attachments: 1. PC Resolution 16-12, 2. PC minutes April 1 - draft excerpt, 3. ZC minutes, 4. 60 day extension, 5. Correspondence received, 6. Staff report packet, 7. Beeman support of Nova appeal, 8. Cerio support of Nova appeal, 9. Stoy support of Nova appeal, 10. Dumitrica support of Nova apeal, 11. Cerio support of Nova appeal 2, 12. McClary support of Nova appeal, 13. McElwain - May 2 Traffic Study Results, 14. Nova Classical Academy Packet 4-25-16, 15. Thul support of Nova appeal, 16. Kritzer support of Nova appeal, 17. LeNoble support of Nova appeal, 18. Lewis support of Nova appeal, 19. Morrison opposition to Nova appeal, 20. Pawl support of Nova appeal, 21. Gaius Nelson Email
Related files: RES 16-930


Public hearing to consider the appeal by Nova Classical Academy of a Planning Commission decision to uphold the Planning Administrator’s approval of changes to the Victoria Park Master Plan to allow a 49 ½ ft. high apartment building at 763 Kay Avenue.


Required Background Information

Zoning File #:                     16-026-302

Appellant:                     Nova Classical Academy

Address:                     763 Kay Ave, SW corner at Mercer Way

Purpose:                       Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to uphold the Planning Administrator’s approval of changes to the Victoria Park Master Plan to allow a 49 ½ ft. high apartment building at 763 Kay Avenue. (Zoning File # 16-015-194)



Staff Recommendation:                                                                                     Denial of the appeal

District Council:                                                                                                           Approval of the appeal

Zoning Committee Recommendation:                        Denial of the appeal, vote:  3-1-0

Support:                                                                                                                                                     3 people spoke, 13 letters were received

Opposition:                                                                                                                                1 people spoke, 0 letters were received

Planning Commission Decision:                                          Appeal denied, vote: 12-3 (DeJoy, Makarios, Underwood)


Deadline for Action:                                                                                                         June 7, 2016 (extended from original deadline of April 8, 2016)


Staff Assigned:                                                                                                         Bill Dermody, 651-266-6617


Attachments:                                                                                                         Planning Commission resolution 16-12

Planning Commission minutes, April 1, 2016

Zoning Committee minutes, March 24, 2016

Deadline for action extension letter

Correspondence received

Staff Report packet






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