Public Hearing to consider the appeal of Friends of the Mississippi River of a Planning Commission decision granting a height variance for the Shepard Development LLC mixed use development at 1465 Davern.
Zoning File #: 15-033-501
Address: 1465 Davern Street (Shepard Road and Davern)
Purpose: Appeal of a Planning Commission decision granting a variance of the 40' River Corridor height limit and 55' height limit for a mixed use building in the T3 zone to allow a 73.5' building.(Zoning File # 15-022-204, Shepard Development Phase I)
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
District Council Recommendation: Denial
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval (unanimous)
Support: 0 persons spoke, 0 letters received
Opposition: 6 persons spoke, 11 letters received
Planning Commission: Approval (11 in favor, 1 against, 1 abstension)
Deadline for Action: June 30, 2015
Staff assigned: Josh Williams 651-266-6659
Appeal application
Appeal letter
Planning Commission (PC) resolution
PC meeting minutes
Zoning Committee (ZC) meeting minutes
Staff report packet
Letters received after Planning Commission public hearing (10 letters)
Applicant 15.99 extension letter