Staying enforcement for 90 days of City Council File RLH RR 12-81 ordering the rehabilitation or razing and the demolition of the structures at 704-706 BLAIR AVENUE within 30 days after the January 16, 2013 City Council Public Hearing.
Legislative Hearing Staff Comments
Legislative Hearing Officer will request this resolution be withdrawn if conditions are not met my noon on Wednesday June 26, 2013.
AMENDED 6/26/13
WHEREAS, City Council File RLH RR 12-81 which ordered the rehabilitation or razing and the demolition of the structures at 704 and 706 BLAIR AVENUE within 30 days after the January 16, 2013 City Council Public Hearing; and
WHEREAS, progress has been negligible and the rehabilitation was incomplete at the conclusion of this time period; and
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the City Council stay enforcement of City Council File RLH RR 12-81 for a period of 90 days if as the following conditions are were met by noon Wednesday, June 26, 2013:
1) New bids and a new work plan consistent with the code compliance inspection report dated April 9, 2013 must be were provided;
2) Documentation of $50,000 in escrow to complete the project must be provided;
3) A $10,000 new $5,000 performance deposit must be was posted with the Department of Safety and Inspections (this is refundable upon completion of the project within the time allotted);
4) The vacant building fee which was billed on June 10 must be was paid;
5) The property must be maintained (please note the City has had to issue orders twice in 2013 - once for shoveling and once for mowing)
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer further recommends that $5,000 performance deposit posted January 2, 2013 be forfeited July 2, 2013, as the work was not completed in the time allotted; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and adopts the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation in this matter, granting a stay for a period of 90 days for the completion of the rehabilitation of the property.