File #:
Ord 23-43
Amending the Zoning Map and specific sections of the Legislative Code pertaining to zoning regulations to promote the production of 1-6 unit residential housing options as recommended in Phase 2 of the 1-4 Unit Housing Study and amending additional Legislative Code sections that regulate those aspects of property maintenance associated with 1-6 unit housing.
1-4 Unit Housing Study
Code sections:
Sec. 157.03. - Stopping or parking prohibited in certain places., Sec. 157.11. - Parking for larger vehicles., Sec. 165.02. - Permit required., Sec. 33.07. - Fences—Requirements., Sec. 60.213. - L., Sec. 60.226. - Y., Sec. 60.301. - Zoning districts established., Sec. 61.402. - Site plan review (all districts)., Sec. 62.106. - Nonconforming uses of structures, or structures and land in combination., Sec. 63.101. - Lots adjoining alleys., Sec. 63.105. - Porches and decks., Sec. 63.106. - Projections into yards., Sec. 63.107. - Multiple dwelling side yard., Sec. 63.110. - General design standards., Sec. 63.303. - Parking location, residential., Sec. 63.308. - Maneuvering lanes., Sec. 63.310. - Entrances and exits., Sec. 63.316. - Paving., Sec. 63.501. - Accessory buildings., Sec. 64.120. - R., Sec. 65.111. - Dwelling, one-family., Sec. 65.112. - Dwelling, two-family., Sec. 65.113. - Dwelling, multiple-family., Sec. 65.130. - Cluster development., Sec. 65.151. - Adult care home., Sec. 65.152. - Community residential facility, licensed correctional., Sec. 65.153. - Dormitory., Sec. 65.154. - Emergency housing facility., Sec. 65.156. - Fraternity, sorority., Sec. 65.160. - Shelter for battered persons., Sec. 65.161. - Sober house., Sec. 65.162. - Supportive housing facility., Sec. 65.222. - Day care., Sec. 65.641. - Bed and breakfast residence., Sec. 65.645. - Short term rental dwelling unit., Sec. 65.913. - Dwelling unit, accessory., Sec. 66.211. - Intent, RL one-family large lot residential district., Sec. 66.212. - Intent, R1_R4 one-family residential districts., Sec. 66.213. - Intent, RT1 two-family residential district., Sec. 66.214. - Intent, RT2 townhouse residential district., Sec. 66.221. - Principal uses., Sec. 66.231. - Density and dimensional standards table., Sec. 66.232. - Maximum lot coverage., Sec. 66.233. - Sidewall articulation., Sec. 66.234. - Sidewall articulation., Sec. 66.321. - Principal uses., Sec. 66.421. - Principal uses., Sec. 66.521. - Principal uses., Sec. 69.304. - Approval of lot splits and adjustments of common boundaries., Sec. 69.508. - Lots., Sec. 69.600. - Required improvements., Sec. 71.06. - No permits until number has been issued.
1. Noecker Amendment 10.11.pdf, 2. CC Presentation_10.pdf, 3. CC Presentation_9.27-updated, 4. CC Ordinance 23-43, 5. Attachment A - List of Rezonings, 6. Attachment A - List of Rezonings - Additional added 9-26, 7. Planning Commission Public Comment Memo, 8. Appendix A - PC Resolution w zoning text amendments, 9. Appendix B - Proposed Zoning Maps, 10. Appendix C - Public Comments, 11. Appendix D - Data Request Figures, 12. Appendix E - Phase 2 Memo for Public Comment, 13. 8-4-23 PC Minutes, 14. 8-18-23 PC Minutes, 15. Supplemental Staff Memo_10.4.23, 16. 9.11.2023 public comment, 17. 9.12.2023 public comments, 18. 9.13.2023 public comment, 19. 9.18.2023 public comments, 20. 9.19.2023 public comments, 21. 9.20.2023 public comments, 22. 9.21.2023 public comment, 23. 9.22.2023 public comment, 24. 9.24.2023 public comment, 25. 9.27.2023 public comment, 26. 9.29.2023 public comments, 27. 10.2.2023 public comments, 28. 10.3.2023 public comments, 29. 10.4.2023 public comments, 30. 10.5.2023 public comments, 31. 10.6.2023 public comments, 32. 10.9.2023 public comment, 33. 10.10.2023 public comments, 34. 10.11.2023 public comments, 35. 10.12.2023 public comment, 36. 10.13.2023 public comments, 37. 10.16.2023 public comments, 38. 10.17.2023 public comments, 39. 10.18.2023 public comments, 40. Ord 23-43 text with correct tables
Title Amending the Zoning Map and specific sections of the Legislative Code pertaining to zoning regulations to promote the production of 1-6 unit residential housing options as recommended in Phase 2 of the 1-4 Unit Housing Study and amending additional Legislative Code sections that regulate those aspects of property maintenance associated with 1-6 unit housing. Body STATEMENT OF FINDINGS BY THE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Zoning Code, found in chapters 60 through 69 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is established to promote and to protect the public health, safety, morals, aesthetics, economic viability and general welfare of the community; and WHEREAS, Section 61.801(a) of the Zoning Code calls for periodic review of said code to reflect current city policies, to address current technology and market conditions, and to bring the zoning code up-to-date; and WHEREAS, in order to support the creation and preservation of housing that is affordable to all income levels, address racial, social, and economic disparities, and create infrastructure to stabilize housing for all in Saint Paul, City Council Resolution 18-1204 calls for a study of the Zoning Code to explore the potential for allowing three- and four-unit dwellings in currently single-family zoning districts located in Neighborhood Nodes and/or along transit corridors; and WHEREAS, on April 2, 2021, the Planning Commission passed Resolution 21-20 that initiated a zoning study to consider amendments to the Zoning Code pertaining one-family, two-family, and townhouse residential zoning districts and accessory dwelling units, cluster developments, and other related regulations contained in the Zoning Code as well as targeted rezonings based on local housing and other market dynamics; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan Council forecasts the city’s population growing by 12,700 households by 2040, 21.6% of renter households are cost-burdened by paying more than 30% of monthly income for housing, a... Click here for full text