Public hearing to consider the appeal of Donald Buckrey to a decision of the Planning Commission denying a change of nonconforming use permit for auto repair and outdoor auto sales at 1176 Dale Street. (Public hearing continued from October 15)
Zoning File #: 14-331-238
Appellant: Donald Buckrey
Address: 1176 North Dale Street (Between Maryland and Geranium)
Purpose: Appeal of a decision of the Planning Commission denying change of a nonconforming use for auto repair and outdoor auto sales (Zoning File #14-308-882 More 4 A Buck)
Staff Recommendation: Approval
District Council Recommendation: Denial
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Denial, vote: 4-2-1
Support: 1 person spoke, 0 letters were received
Opposition: 1 person spoke, 1 letters were received
Planning Commission Decision: Denial, vote: 16-1
Deadline for Action: September 13, 2014, extended to December 12, 2014
Staff Assigned: Jake Reilly, 651-266-6618
Appeal application
Planning Commission resolution
Planning Commission minutes
Zoning Committee minutes (07/31 and 08/28)
Deadline for action extension letter
Staff Report packets (07/31 and 08/28)