Public hearing to consider the appeal of Jack Kirr to a decision of the Planning Commission approving a site plan for a four-story mixed-use development at 735 Cleveland Avenue South.
Zoning File #: 15-032-789
Appellant: Jack Kirr
Address: 735 Cleveland Avenue South
Purpose: Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve the Site Plan submitted by TJL Development LLC for the Highland Village mixed use project (Site plan file 15-011695)
Staff Recommendation: Approve with conditions
District Council: District 15 does not support a four-story building and asked that a number of conditions be placed on the site plan if it is approved.
Zoning Committee
Recommendation: Approve with conditions (vote: 6-0)
Support: 0 people spoke, 6 letters were received
Opposition: 5people spoke, 24 letters and 2 petitions were received
Planning Commission Decision: Approve with conditions (vote: 13-0-1)
Deadline for Action: June 19, 2015
Extension letter sent: Yes
Staff Assigned: Tom Beach, 651-266-9086
Attachments: Application for appeal
Staff summary and response
Staff Report
Planning Commission resolution
Zoning Committee minutes
District 15 resolution
Deadline for action extension letter