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File #: RLH TA 25-54    Version:
Type: Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
Final action:
Title: Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1452 HAZELWOOD STREET. (File No. VB2505, Assessment No. 258804)
Sponsors: Nelsie Yang
Ward: Special Tax Assessments, Ward - 6
Attachments: 1. 1452 Hazelwood St.Reg Notice 6-25-24.pdf, 2. 1452 Hazelwood St.Warning Ltr 7-25-24.pdf, 3. 1452 Hazelwood St.Correction Notice 7-21-23.pdf, 4. 1452 Hazelwood St.Murray email +Photos 2-19-25 .pdf
Related files: RLH AR 25-3
Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1452 HAZELWOOD STREET. (File No. VB2505, Assessment No. 258804)

Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: 2/4/25 (originally 1/7/25)
Time of LH: 9 AM
Date of CPH: 2/19/25

Tax Assessment Worksheet
Cost: $2459
Service Charge: $159
Total Assessment: $2618
Name of Property Owner/Representative of Management Co.: Armando Esquivias Perez
Type of Order/Fee: VB fee 7/25/24-7/25/25
Nuisance: unpaid VB fee
Date of Orders: Renewal 6/25/24; Warning 7/25/24 - OFS on 9/3/24
Work Order #: 23-065627 Inv #1860514
Returned Mail?: No
Comments: Requesting Spanish interpreter
08/09/2023: 90 days Fee Waive - Vicki Sheffer - Fire waiver due to vehicle hitting building.
11/07/2023: 90 days Fee Waive - Vicki Sheffer - Continue waiver; building permit pulled.
01/30/2024: Custom Waive - Vicki Sheffer - Waiver cont to 5/5/24 per inspector request.
10/16/2024: Close-In Compliance - Building permit finaled. Dwelling owner occupied. Closing VB file. -RG - Single Family category 1 opened 7/25/23 due to dwelling fire.
History of Orders on Property: 5/9/23-garbage (removed/closing file), 5/8/20-garbage (closed-no action), 5/28/19-tgw (abated, no action)

WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Assessment Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Collection of Vacant Building Registration fees billed during May 2 to July 24, 2024. (File No. VB2505, Assessment No. 258804) and the assessment roll including all properties for which these assessments are proposed for Council ratification; and

WHEREAS, the City Council’s Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed an appeal of this assessment and developed a recommendation for the City Council with respect to this assessment; and

WHEREAS, a public hearing having been conducted for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council and having been considered financ...

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