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File #: APC 25-1    Version: 1
Type: Appeal-Planning Comm Status: For Discussion
In control: City Council
Final action:
Title: Considering the appeal by the University of Saint Thomas to a decision of the Planning Commission to uphold a condition of their 2004 conditional use permit regarding drive access from Goodrich Avenue. (Public hearing closed and laid over from March 5, 2025)
Sponsors: Saura Jost
Ward: Conditional use permit, Ward - 4
Code sections: Sec. 61.108. - Conditions violated, permit revocation.
Attachments: 1. ZC staff report packet UST review of CUP, 2. PC Resolution 24-38 upholding condition of 2004 CUP, 3. PC minutes 2024-12-13, 4. ZC minutes- 2024-12-05 UST review of CUP, 5. ZC minutes- 2024-11-24 UST review of CUP, 6. ZC public hearing written testimony, 7. ZC public hearing- additional written testimony, 8. Moss letter, 9. Brombach letter, 10. UST supplemental letter, 11. Feb 24 public comment, 12. Feb 27 public comments, 13. Feb 28 public comments, 14. Mar 3 public comments, 15. Executed Goodrich Access Appeal - J. Brummer Affidavit, 16. Mar 4 public comments, 17. Mar 5 public comments, 18. City Council Presentation
Considering the appeal by the University of Saint Thomas to a decision of the Planning Commission to uphold a condition of their 2004 conditional use permit regarding drive access from Goodrich Avenue. (Public hearing closed and laid over from March 5, 2025)
Zoning File #: 24-103-265
Appellant: University of Saint Thomas
Address: 2260 Summit Ave,
Purpose: Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to uphold a condition of the 2004 conditional use permit regarding drive access from Goodrich Avenue. (Zoning File # 24-078-362)

This was not an application. Rather, it is the result of an enforcement action for nonconformance with Condition 16 of the 2004 conditional use permit to allow expansion of the University of Saint Thomas campus boundary.

Staff Recommendation: Delete Condition 16 and replace it with a condition limiting how the drive access from Goodrich Avenue is used.
District Council: Same as staff recommendation.
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Same as staff recommendation, vote: 2-1-2
Support: 2 people spoke, 2 letters were received
Opposition: 14 people spoke, 26 letters were received
Planning Commission Decision: Uphold Condition 16, vote: 10-3-1

Staff Assigned: Bill Dermody, 651-266-6617

Attachments: ...

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