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File #: Ord 24-15    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Final action: 8/14/2024
Title: Amending Chapter 67 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the EG East Grand Avenue Overlay District.
Sponsors: Rebecca Noecker
Ward: Zoning
Code sections: Sec. 67.601. - Establishment; intent., Sec. 67.602. - Standards and regulations.
Attachments: 1. EGAOD_PCResolution, 2. EGAOD_PCActionMins, 3. EGAOD_AmendmentMemo_Final, 4. Presentation, 5. Sustain Saint Paul's written testimony, 6. Ari Parritz public comment presentation, 7. July 8 public comments, 8. July 10 public comment, 9. July 19 public comment, 10. August 5 public comments, 11. August 8 public comment


Amending Chapter 67 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the EG East Grand Avenue Overlay District.


WHEREAS, on September 16, 2022, the Planning Commission initiated a zoning study to consider amendments to the Zoning Code pertaining to the EG East Grand Avenue Overlay District in Section 67.600 of the Zoning Code; and


WHEREAS, the Planning Commission duly conducted a public hearing on April 12, 2024 regarding the potential amendments;


WHEREAS, in a memo dated May 10, 2024, the Comprehensive and Neighborhood Planning Committee submitted a report to the Planning Commission in which it made recommendations and provided a rationale for amending specific sections of the EG East Grand Avenue Overlay District; and


WHEREAS, on May 10, 2024, the Planning Commission, based upon the Comprehensive and Neighborhood Planning Committee’s report and all the testimony received from the April 12, 2024 public hearing, duly submitted its recommendation to amend certain sections of the Zoning Code regulating the EG East Grand Avenue Overlay District to the Mayor and City Council for its review and consideration; and


WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been duly conducted at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, and having considered all the testimony and recommendations concerning the proposed zoning text amendments, including the Planning Commission’s minutes and the Comprehensive and Neighborhood Planning Committee’s memorandum and their rationale for the recommended Zoning Code amendments which the Council finds persuasive and thus hereby incorporates by reference into this ordinance for the specific purpose of articulating the Council’s reasons and rationale for enacting the recommended amendments as set forth below in Section 1, in addition to any other reasons the Council might articulate on the record in adopting these amendments the Council, having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the proposed zoning amendments and pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes Sec. 462.357 states as follows:





Chapter 67 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Existing language to be deleted shown by strikeout. New language to be added shown by underlining.


Chapter 67. Zoning Code - Overlay Districts



Sec. 67.601. Establishment; intent.

The EG East Grand Avenue Overlay District is established as shown on the official zoning map accompanying this code to provide design standards for development and building height, size, and footprint limits, and to reduce the shortage of parking in the east Grand Avenue area.


Sec. 67.602. Standards and regulations.

(a)                     Design standards. The TN2 design standards in sections 66.341(a) and 66.343 apply.

(b)                     Building and frontage regulations.

(1)                     The maximum building footprint shall be twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet.

(2)                     Total building size, above ground, shall be limited to seventy-five thousand (75,000) square feet, including parking.

(3)                     Building height shall be limited to three (3) stories and to thirty (30) feet for commercial buildings, three (3) stories and thirty-six feet (36) for mixed commercial-residential mixed use buildings, and three (3) stories and forty (40) feet for residential or institutional buildings. No additional height based on setbacks is allowed.

(1)                     Stepbacks. All portions of a building above a height of forty (40) feet must be stepped back from the minimum front, side street, or rear setback lines a distance equal to the additional height up to ten (10) feet, except for front or side street building facades within fifteen (15) feet of the building corner. Buildings must be no more than thirty (30) feet high along property lines abutting RL-H2 lots at an alley; buildings may exceed this thirty (30) foot height limit if stepped back from rear property lines a distance equal to the additional height.

(2)                     Established building line. The maximum front and side street setbacks is ten (10) feet. If an interior lot is on or abutting BC or residential zoning, it may have setbacks up to twenty-five (25) feet to relate to the existing established building façade line. Up to forty (40) percent of the building façade on any lot may exceed this maximum setback to create outdoor seating or gathering areas.

(3)                     Frontage elements. The base thirty (30) feet of building sides facing abutting public streets must include elements that relate to the human scale at grade. Elements include doors, windows, projections, awnings, canopies, porches, stoops, etc.

(c)                     Parking. The provision in section 63.204(a) that exempts a change in use to a new use that requires five (5) or fewer spaces more than the existing use from providing the additional spaces shall not apply.


Section 2

This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval, and publication.



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