Adopting the Central Station Block Design Guidelines as an amendment to the Downtown Station Area Plan, pending final approval by the Metropolitan Council.
WHEREAS, in 2006, the environmental review process for the Green Line (light rail transit) identified the Saint Paul Urban Renewal Historic District in the heart of downtown and determined that it is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places; and
WHEREAS, the Central Station block is bounded by Cedar, Minnesota, 5th and 4th streets, and sits at the center of the Urban Renewal Historic District; and
WHEREAS, building Central Station and putting the LRT tracks at a diagonal through the block required demolition of the First Federal Savings and Loan Building at 360 Cedar Street, a contributing building within the Urban Renewal Historic District; and
WHEREAS, demolition of the building was found to constitute an “adverse effect” on the District, requiring mitigation before the LRT project could proceed; and
WHEREAS, as mitigation, all parties agreed to require the Metropolitan Council to prepare redevelopment design guidelines for the Central Station Block so that new development is compatible with the defining features of both the Urban Renewal Historic District and adjacent, early 20th century National-Register-eligible buildings; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council delegated preparation of the guidelines to the City of Saint Paul, since the City will ultimately administer them; and
WHEREAS, a Technical Advisory Committee was created to advise City staff and consultants on the guidelines, with representatives from CapitolRiver Council (District 17), BOMA, Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, Metro Transit and three City departments (PED, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation); and
WHEREAS, the proposed Central Station Block Design Guidelines address building massing, form, height and materials of new development; and
WHEREAS, on April 21, 2017, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed guidelines, at which all interested persons were invited to speak and/or submit written testimony; and
WHEREAS, on April 13, 2017, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission adopted a resolution supporting the adoption of the Central Station Block Design Guidelines as an amendment to the Downtown Station Area Plan; and
WHEREAS, on April 19, 2017, the CapitolRiver Council (District 17) voted unanimously to support approval of the Central Station Block Design Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, on May 19, 2017, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution #17-29, recommending to the Mayor and the City Council the adoption of the Central Station Block Design Guidelines as an amendment to the Downtown Station Area Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby adopts the Central Station Block Design Guidelines as an amendment to the Downtown Station Area Plan, pending final approval by the Metropolitan Council.