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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/4/2021 3:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - 3rd Floor
Please see the meeting guidelines due to the COVID-19 health pandemic emergency.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
CO 21-60 11Communications & Receive/FileMayor's Emergency Executive Order 21-32.Received and Filed  Action details Not available
RES 21-958 12ResolutionApproving the Memorandum of Agreement for the purpose of recognizing and adding June 19 (Juneteenth Day) as a paid holiday under the collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Fire Supervisory Association, Local 3939. (Laid over from July 28)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1056 13ResolutionAuthorizing payment in the amount of $33,871.01 in full and final settlement of the claim of the Hanover Insurance Company as subrogee of Premier Materials Technology, Inc.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1057 14ResolutionAccepting a gift of nine (9) Art stones, valued at $20,300, from the Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society for the Saint Paul Changsha China Friendship Garden at Phalen Regional Park.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1058 15ResolutionAuthorizing payment in the amount of $10,785.00 in full and final settlement of the claim of Lindsey Smaka.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1059 16ResolutionAuthorizing payment in the amount of thirteen thousand three hundred forty dollars and forty cents ($13,340.40) in full and final settlement of the claim of Travelers Home & Marine Insurance Company as Subrogee of Lauren Hopps.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1076 17ResolutionApproval of a Liquor On Sale - 101 -180 seats, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, and Entertainment (B) license to KJā€™s Hideaway LLC d/b/a KJā€™s Hideaway (License ID #20210001046) for the premises located at 408 St. Peter Street.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1077 18ResolutionWaiving the 45-day notice requirement to issue a Liquor On Sale - 100 seats or less and Liquor On Sale - Sunday License with conditions to Gazta & Enhancements LLC d/b/a Oā€™Cheeze (License ID #20210001008) for the premises located at 928 Seventh Street West, Unit 106.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1079 19ResolutionWaiving the 45-day notice requirement to issue a Liquor On Sale - 100 seats or less and Liquor On Sale - Sunday License to Five Deco LLC d/b/a Deco Catering (License ID #20210000878) for the premises located at 886 Syndicate Street.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1080 110ResolutionApproving the Memorandum of Agreement between the City and AFSCME District Council 5, Clerical - Local 2508, for the purpose of providing a shoe allowance for Zoo Keepers at the Como Park Zoo & Conservatory. (Laid over from July 28)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1089 111ResolutionAuthorizing the City to execute a fourth amendment to a conservation easement held by the State of Minnesota within the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary in order to provide for the City's repurchase of a 3.57-acre portion of the conservation easement to permit construction of the proposed Wakan Tipi Center within the sanctuary propertyAdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1097 112ResolutionApproving the Labor Agreement between the Independent School District 625 and the United Association of Plumbers, Local 34 (May 1, 2021- April 30, 2024).Laid OverPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1098 113ResolutionRecognizing and honoring Chief William Kelso Finney for the naming of the Saint Paul Police Department Western District.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1099 114ResolutionApproving the polling location changes for the November 2, 2021 general election.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1101 115ResolutionApproving the Mayorā€™s appointment of Farah Mohamoud and reappointments of Tom Reding and John Cardoza to the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency (PHA).AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1103 117ResolutionApproving the Mayorā€™s appointment of Ethan Osten to a three-year term on the Heritage Preservation Commission.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1112 119ResolutionAuthorizing the City's ranked list of 2022 State G.O. bonding requests and support for local nonprofit partner State G.O. bonding projects for submittal to Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB).AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 21-1102 116ResolutionApproving the Mayorā€™s reappointments of Yolanda McIntosh, Sheri Riemers, Tony Lusiba, James McClean, Ramona Wilson, Chad Kulas, Chris Tolbert, and Becky Degendorfer to the Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County.Adopted As AmendedPass Action details Video Video
RES 21-1113 118ResolutionHonoring Joyce Maddox for her service to the City and declaring August 5, 2021 as Joyce Maddox DayAdopted As AmendedPass Action details Video Video
Ord 21-27 120OrdinanceAmending Legislative Code Chapters 60, 63, 65, and 66 pertaining to off-street parking requirements.Laid Over to Second Reading  Action details Video Video
Ord 21-31 121OrdinanceGranting the application of St Albans LLC to rezone property at 695 Grand from B2 Community Business District to T3 Traditional Neighborhood District, amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the zoning map, and denying the rezoning out of the EG East Grand Avenue Overlay District. (Public hearing closed August 11)Laid Over to Second ReadingPass Action details Video Video
RES PH 21-182 122Resolution-Public HearingApproving the application of Trilingua Cinema for a sound level variance in order to present live amplified sound on August 20, 2021 at 1200 Payne Avenue, the play field behind Arlington Hills Rec Center.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES PH 21-183 123Resolution-Public HearingApproving the application of the Minnesota United FC v Sporting KC MLS game for a sound level variance in order to present amplified sound on August 21, 2021 within the Street and the Beer Garden Area at Allianz Field - 400 Snelling Avenue North.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES PH 21-185 124Resolution-Public HearingApproving the application of Irish Fair of Minnesota for a sound level variance in order to present amplified sound on August 12 through August 15, 2021 at 200 Dr. Justus Ohage Boulevard - Harriet Island.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES PH 21-186 125Resolution-Public HearingApproving the application of Anderson Race Management for a sound level variance in order to present amplified sound on August 21, 2021 at Phalen Park Picnic Pavilion Patio.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES PH 21-189 126Resolution-Public HearingApproving the application of One Simple Plan for a sound level variance in order to present live amplified sound on August 21, 2021 at 2 Wabasha Street - Raspberry Island Regional Park.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES PH 21-190 127Resolution-Public HearingApproving the application of Ginger Porcella for a sound level variance in order to present live amplified sound on August 28, 2021 at 1008 Grotto Street North.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES PH 21-192 128Resolution-Public HearingAuthorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to accept a donation in the amount of $25,000 from the Minnesota Vikings to support the Capital City Youth Tackle Football League, and to amend the Department Grant Fund budget by adding $25,000 to the financing and spending plan to reflect donated funds.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES PH 21-193 129Resolution-Public HearingAuthorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to accept funds in an amount up to $10,000 from the Capitol Region Watershed Districtā€™s (CRWD) Partner Grants program, authorizing the proper City officials to execute an agreement with the CRWD, and amending the financing and spending plan in the Department in the amount of $10,000 to reflect funds received for the Parks Ambassadors program.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES PH 21-196 130Resolution-Public HearingAuthorizing the Office of Technology and Communications to use fund balance, accumulated and unspent in 2020, to increase the financing and spending budgets in the General Government phone services account by $118,285.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 21-281 231Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 939 CONWAY STREET. (File No. J2119A, Assessment No. 218535)AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH FCO 21-116 232Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction OrderAppeal of Nina Turner to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 36 DALE STREET SOUTH.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH VBR 21-46 234Resolution LH Vacant Building RegistrationAppeal of Mark Younghans to a Vacant Building Registration Fee Warning Letter at 1066 DESOTO STREET.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 21-275 236Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1203 EDMUND AVENUE. (File No. J2109B, Assessment No. 218109) (Amend to File No. J2109B1, Assessment No. 218116)AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 21-280 238Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 2015 IVY AVENUE EAST. (File No. J2119A, Assessment No. 218535)AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH FCO 21-107 239Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction OrderAppeal of Larry Kuenster to a Fire Certificate of Occupancy Approval with Corrections at 1126 LINCOLN AVENUE.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 21-305 240Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 461 LYNNHURST AVENUE WEST. (File No. J2120A, Assessment No. 218536)AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH VO 21-24 241Resolution LH Vacate OrderAppeal of Shai Leibovich to a Revocation of Fire Certificate of Occupancy and Order to Vacate at 1569 MARGARET STREET.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH FCO 21-115 242Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction OrderAppeal of Erin Washington to a Re-Inspection Fire Certificate of Occupancy with Deficiencies at 872 PAYNE AVENUE.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 21-274 244Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 2162 STEWART AVENUE. (File No. J2120A, Assessment No. 218536)AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH AR 21-60 246Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessments for Property Clean Up services during February 26 to March 11, 2021. (File No. J2119A, Assessment No. 218535)AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH AR 21-61 247Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessments for Property Clean Up services during March 15 to 29, 2021. (File No. J2120A, Assessment No. 218536)AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH RR 21-11 335Resolution LH Substantial Abatement OrderOrdering the rehabilitation or razing and removal of the structures at 318 EDMUND AVENUE within fifteen (15) days after the April 21, 2021, City Council Public Hearing. (Amend to grant 180 days)Adopted As AmendedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 21-56 237Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1340 FOURTH STREET EAST. (File No. J2104E, Assessment No. 218303) (Public hearing continued to August 4, 2021)Adopted As AmendedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 21-22 245Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 649 WESTERN AVENUE NORTH. (File No. J2109A, Assessment No. 218508) (Public hearing continued to August 4, 2021)Adopted As AmendedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 21-309 243Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 869 SHERBURNE AVENUE. (File No. J2120A, Assessment No. 218536) (Public hearing continued to January 19, 2022; amend to delete)Continue Public HearingPass Action details Video Video
RLH FCO 21-113 233Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction OrderAppealing a Fire Inspection Correction Notice by Ray Moore at 710 DESOTO STREET. (To refer to August 17, 2021 Legislative Hearing)ReferredPass Action details Video Video
FileĀ #Date NameDistrictOpinionCommentAction
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