AO 20-62
| 1 | 1 | Administrative Order | Authorizing the Police Department to reallocate its 2020 Special Fund operating budget to more accurately record expenditures. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
AO 20-64
| 1 | 2 | Administrative Order | Amending the 2020 spending budget in the Department of Public Works Street Lighting Maintenance accounting unit. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
AO 20-65
| 2 | 3 | Administrative Order | Amending the 2020 spending budget in the Department of Public Works Special Fund Sweeping accounting unit. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
AO 20-66
| 2 | 4 | Administrative Order | Amending the 2020 spending budget in the Department of Public Works Special Fund Brushing and Seal Coating accounting unit. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
AO 20-67
| 1 | 5 | Administrative Order | Amending the 2020 spending budget in the Department of Public Works General Funds ROW Mgmt., Summer and Winter accounting units. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
AO 20-68
| 1 | 6 | Administrative Order | Amend CDBG project budget: funding for 786 University Avenue. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
CO 20-84
| 1 | 7 | Communications & Receive/File | Letter from the Department of Safety and Inspections declaring 521 York Avenue a nuisance property. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
CO 20-92
| 1 | 8 | Communications & Receive/File | Mayor's Emergency Executive Orders 20-39, 20-40 and 20-41. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
CO 20-93
| 1 | 9 | Communications & Receive/File | Letter from the Department of Safety and Inspections declaring 1816 Minnehaha Avenue East a nuisance property. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1746
| 1 | 10 | Resolution | Approving the polling locations for the 2021 elections. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1679
| 1 | 11 | Resolution | Approving the Joint Memorandum of Agreement Extension between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME District Council 5 (Locals 1842, 2508, 3757), Classified Confidential Employees Association (CCEA), Fire Fighters Local 21, Fire Supervisory Association (FSA) Local 3939, Machinists, Manual & Maintenance Supervisors Association, Operating Engineers Local 70, Police Federation, Professional Employees Association (PEA), Saint Paul Supervisory Association (SPSO), Tri-Council (Local 49, 120 and 363), Trades: Bricklayers, Carpenters, Cement Masons, Electrical Workers, Elevator Constructors, Painters, Pipefitters, Plumbers, Sprinkler-Fitters and Sheet Metal Workers for the purpose of access for employees who are unable to work a portion of, or all their regularly scheduled hours due to the COVID 19 pandemic, up to eighty (80) hours of Emergency Pandemic Leave (EPL). | Laid Over | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1716
| 1 | 12 | Resolution | Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to apply for $15,000 in grant funds from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council to support the Healing The Soul Arts Project at Hancock and Rice Recreation Centers. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1717
| 1 | 13 | Resolution | Authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with Apple for use of their Business Manager and Volume Purchase Programs. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1722
| 1 | 14 | Resolution | Authorizing the Fire Department to accept the donation of two 2009 Ford F-350 15 passenger vans from the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Federal Excess Property Program. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1729
| 1 | 15 | Resolution | Memorializing the Councilās decision to grant an appeal by Told Development Co. from a decision of the planning commission which had denied Toldās request for a floor area variance to construct a new commercial building at 1212 Prosperity Avenue. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1734
| 1 | 16 | Resolution | Approving a petition from Travis Temke for specially assessing the costs of a fire protection system at 754 Randolph Avenue. (Project No. FP2021-02, Assessment No. 217101) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1736
| 1 | 17 | Resolution | Approving a petition from Minnesota Transportation Museum for specially assessing the costs of a fire protection system at 193 Pennsylvania Avenue East, covering Bay A of the building. (Project No. FP2021-01, Assessment No. 217100) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1739
| 1 | 18 | Resolution | Authorizing the City to execute a third amendment to a conservation easement held by the State of Minnesota within the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary in order to perform geo-technical investigations to determine the feasibility of constructing a proposed Wakan Tipi Center within the sanctuary property. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1747
| 1 | 19 | Resolution | Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to apply for, and if awarded, accept $2,500 in grant funds from the JCI Saint Paul Chapter to support the 2021 Parks and Recreation Amazing Race at the McDonough Recreation Center. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1749
| 1 | 20 | Resolution | Memorializing the Councilās decision to grant an appeal by Suebue LLC from a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals which had denied SueBue LLCās request for rear-yard setback and lot coverage variances in order to construct a new single-family home at 1493 Highland Parkway. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1669
| 1 | 21 | Resolution | Approving the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Clerical Local 2508 for the purpose of determining night shift differential rate of pay for those employees allowed to work during evening hours for their own convenience. (Laid over from December 9) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1634
| 1 | 22 | Resolution | Approving the Cityās cost of providing Property Clean Up services during September 30 to October 14, 2020, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for January 19, 2021 and City Council public hearing for March 3, 2021 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J2109A, Assessment No. 218508) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 20-1635
| 1 | 23 | Resolution | Approving the Cityās cost of providing Property Clean Up services during October 14 to 29, 2020, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for January 19, 2021 and City Council public hearing for March 3, 2021 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J2110A, Assessment No. 218509) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
SR 20-153
| 1 | 24 | Staff Report | Year end staff report from the Administration. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
AHPC 20-2
| 1 | 25 | Appeal-HPC | Public hearing to consider the appeal of William Garman (āGarā) Hargens and Mary (āMissyā) Staples Thompson to the Heritage Preservation Commission decision of 540 Portland Avenue in the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District. (Public hearing closed on November 18) | Withdrawn | |
Action details
ABZA 20-7
| 1 | 26 | Appeal-BZA | Public hearing to consider the appeal of William Garman Hargens and Mary Staples Thompson to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) approving six variances (for primary entrance location, number of off-street parking spaces provided, lot coverage, lot size, lot width, and rear yard setback) for a second triplex to be constructed on a lot that has an existing triplex at 542 Portland Avenue. (Public hearing closed on November 18) | Denied | Pass |
Action details
RES 20-1664
| 1 | 27 | Resolution | Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to apply for grant funds of $5,000 from the Walmart Local Community grant fund to support the McDonough Girls and Women in Sports Project. (Laid over from December 9.) | Adopted As Amended | Pass |
Action details
Ord 20-29
| 2 | 28 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 409 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the distance restriction between liquor license locations and to reduce the location radius for off-sale wine only license locations. | Laid Over to Final Adoption | Pass |
Action details
Ord 20-35
| 2 | 29 | Ordinance | Granting the application of Keith Schroeder to rezone the property at 981 Fuller Avenue from R4 Single Family Residential to T2 traditional neighborhood, and amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the zoning map. | Laid Over to Final Adoption | Pass |
Action details
RES 20-1763
| 1 | | Resolution | Approving the Mayorās appointments of Thomas Aasheim, Robert Blake Chris Duffy, Yolanda McIntosh, and Trish Stevens to the Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 20-1773
| 1 | | Resolution | Authorizing the City of Saint Paul to enter into a vehicle lease agreement with National Cooperative Leasing for the carshare service component of the Twin Cities Electric Vehicle Mobility Network. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Ord 20-37
| 1 | 30 | Ordinance | Creating Chapter 194 of the Legislative Code entitled Smoking Policy Disclosure to require the completion of a smoking sale disclosure report for sale of units within a common interest community. | Public Hearing Closed; Laid Over to Fourth Reading/Final Adoption | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 20-247
| 1 | 31 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending plans in the Department of Public Works Capital and Operating Budgets for the 2020 Bikeway Improvements Program. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 20-286
| 1 | 32 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the 2020 Financing and Spending Budget for Public Works, Sewer Utility Fund and the Grant Fund related to the 2018 MCES Inflow and Infiltration Demonstration Project Grant. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 20-274
| 1 | 33 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the spending and financing plans for various city departments. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 20-276
| 1 | 34 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending plan in the Department of Parks and Recreation in the amount of $1,003,137 to reflect Metropolitan Council Regional Parks Bonding Program funding, and giving permission for the proper city officials to enter into an agreement with the Metropolitan Council, which includes an indemnification clause. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 20-283
| 1 | 35 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending plan in the Department of Parks and Recreation in the amount of $6,900 for improvements to Margaret Park. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 20-285
| 1 | 36 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending plan in the Department of Parks and Recreation in the amount of $77,800 to reflect funds received from the Lower Phalen Creek Project for staff design services for the Wakan Tipi project. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 20-280
| 1 | 37 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Authorizing the Police Department to enter into a grant agreement with the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for the COSSAP grant (Comprehensive, Opioid, Stimulant, Substance Abuse Site Based Program). | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 20-282
| 1 | 38 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending plans in the Fire Department in the amount of $31,809.40 for the Minnesota Task Force One team reimbursement from the City of Edina. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH FCO 20-166
| 2 | 39 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Shalanda Williams to a Fire Certificate of Occupancy Correction Notice at 474 BLAIR AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH FCO 20-164
| 2 | 40 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Juan F. Paredes to a Reinspection Fire Certificate of Occupancy With Deficiencies at 1048 BURR STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH OA 20-9
| 2 | 41 | Resolution LH Other Appeal Type | Making recommendation to Ramsey County on the application of David Goodlow, Jr. for repurchase of tax forfeited property at 1008 CARROLL AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH SAO 20-47
| 2 | 42 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Paul F. Stefanyshyn to a Summary Abatement Order and Vehicle Abatement Order at 98 GARFIELD STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH SAO 20-46
| 2 | 43 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Making finding on the appealed nuisance abatement ordered for 598 LAFOND AVENUE in Council File RLH SAO 20-41. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH VO 20-57
| 1 | 44 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Amending Council File RLH VO 20-38, adopted September 23, 2020, to grant Davina Harper an additional extension for property at 403 MINNEHAHA AVENUE EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH VO 20-56
| 2 | 45 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Hussein U. Abdullahi to a Revocation of Fire Certificate of Occupancy and Order to Vacate at 1393 PROSPERITY AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details