RLH TA 15-536
| 1 | 1 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 923 AGATE STREET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-537
| 1 | 2 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1245 ARKWRIGHT STREET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-538
| 1 | 3 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 164 ARLINGTON AVENUE WEST (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-531
| 1 | 4 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1038 BAYARD AVENUE (File No. CRT1602, Assessment No. 168201 ). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-528
| 1 | 5 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 994 BURR STREET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-540
| 1 | 6 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 242 CONGRESS STREET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). (Note: other address for this property is 469 Anita Street.) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-519
| 1 | 7 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 963 CONWAY STREET (File No. J1601B, Assessment No. 168100). | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-539
| 1 | 8 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1529 DALE STREET NORTH (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-541
| 1 | 9 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1102 EDGERTON STREET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-526
| 1 | 10 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1183 FIFTH STREET EAST (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-532
| 1 | 11 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 668 FOURTH STEET EAST (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-535
| 1 | 12 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 419 FRY STREET (File No. VB1603, Assessment No. 168802). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-551
| 1 | 13 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1364 GALTIER STREET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-547
| 1 | 14 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1377 HOYT AVENUE EAST (File No. VB1603, Assessment No. 168802). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-524
| 1 | 15 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 607 HYACINTH AVENUE EAST (File No. J1602E, Assessment No. 168301). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-534
| 1 | 16 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 613 IGLEHART AVENUE (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-550
| 1 | 17 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 122 LYTON PLACE (File No. J1602B, Assessment No. 168101). | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-542
| 1 | 18 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 348 MARIA AVENUE (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-525
| 1 | 19 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1113 MARION STEET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-529
| 1 | 20 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 767 MARYLAND AVENUE EAST (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-549
| 1 | 21 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 594 REANEY AVENUE (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-527
| 1 | 22 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1651 ROSS AVENUE (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-543
| 1 | 23 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1198 SHERBURNE AVENUE. (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502; amended to File No. J1603A2, Assessment No. 168514, and amended to delete) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-544
| 1 | 24 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 697 STRYKER AVENUE (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-545
| 1 | 25 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 324 SUPERIOR STREET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-546
| 1 | 26 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1220 SYLVAN STREET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-530
| 1 | 27 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1178 THOMAS AVENUE (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-552
| 1 | 28 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 310 WEBSTER STREET (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-548
| 1 | 29 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 750 WESTERN AVENUE NORTH (File No. VB1603, Assessment No. 168802). | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-553
| 1 | 30 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 418 WHEELOCK PARKWAY WEST (File No. VB1603, Assessment No. 168802). | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-554
| 1 | 31 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 1031 MINNEHAHA AVENUE EAST. (File No. VB1603, Assessment No. 168802; amended to File No. VB1603A, Assessment No. 168807) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 15-83
| 1 | 32 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying Boarding and/or Securing services from during July 2015. (File No. J1602B, Assessment No. 168101) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 15-84
| 1 | 33 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying Property Clean Up services during August 4 to 31, 2015. (File No. J1603A, Assessment No. 168502) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 15-85
| 1 | 34 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying Trash Hauling services during August 5 to 26, 2015. (File No. J1603G, Assessment No. 168702) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 15-86
| 1 | 35 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying Collection of Vacant Building Registration Fees billed during February 23 to July 23, 2015. (File No. VB1603, Assessment No. 168802) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH SAO 15-73
| 1 | 36 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Richard M. Gruber to a Summary Abatement Order at 671 HAWTHORNE AVENUE EAST. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH SAO 15-71
| 1 | 37 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Steven Cardenas For Marcos Cardenas to a Summary Abatement Order at 585 JEFFERSON AVENUE. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH SAO 15-75
| 1 | 38 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Antonio Grajeda and Kasandra Tidgwell to a Summary Abatement Order at 569 LAFOND AVENUE. | Withdrawn | |
Action details
Not available
RLH SAO 15-74
| 1 | 39 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Eric Schroeder to a Summary Abatement Order at 386 SARATOGA STREET SOUTH. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 15-292
| 1 | 40 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Jeff Swanson of Havenbrook Homes to a Fire Certificate of Occupancy Correction Notice at 1012 BEECH STREET. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 15-295
| 1 | 41 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Wayne Warnest of St. Stephanus Lutheran Church to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 739 LAFOND AVENUE. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 15-298
| 1 | 42 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Peter Riemenschneider to a Correction Notice - Complaint Inspection at 674 LAWSON AVENUE EAST. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 15-296
| 1 | 43 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Raymond Simpson to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 1350 MARYLAND AVENUE EAST. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 15-288
| 1 | 44 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Susan F. Willis to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 601 PARK STREET. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 15-96
| 1 | 45 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Sharon Bruestle, representing Palm Bay, to a Vacant Building Registration Notice at 1128 MAGNOLIA AVENUE EAST. | Withdrawn | |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 15-94
| 1 | 46 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Matt Folkerds/ Dok.LLC to a Vacant Building Registration Renewal Notice at 134 MARIA AVENUE. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 15-91
| 1 | 47 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Nancy Barnes to a Vacant Building Registration Requirement at 1159 PASCAL STREET NORTH. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 15-98
| 1 | 48 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Nachman Goldberg to a Vacant Building Registration Fee Warning Letter Requirement at 1809 YORKSHIRE AVENUE. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available