CO 15-14
| 1 | 1 | Communications & Receive/File | Letter from the Department of Safety and Inspections declaring 614 California Avenue East a nuisance property. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
CO 15-15
| 1 | 2 | Communications & Receive/File | Letters from the Department of Safety and Inspections declaring 1181 Edgerton Street, 870 Fuller Avenue, 1839 St. Anthony Avenue, and 155 Wheelock Parkway East as nuisance properties. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
AO 15-32
| 1 | 3 | Administrative Order | Amending the 2014 spending budget in the Right of Way Fund, Traffic division accounting units. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
AO 15-35
| 2 | 4 | Administrative Order | Amending the CDBG activity budget for the Frogtown Flexible Fund program. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
RES 15-570
| 1 | 5 | Resolution | Approving the Mayor's appointment of Mailee Lor to serve on the Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity Commission. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Min 15-21
| 1 | 6 | Approval of Minutes | Approving the minutes of the February 18 and 25, 2015 City Council meetings. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 15-560
| 1 | 7 | Resolution | Approving the use of neighborhood STAR grant funds for a security camera at Payne and Maryland Avenues. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 15-576
| 1 | 8 | Resolution | Approving the use of Neighborhood STAR Year-Round Loan Program Funds for the Mounds Theatre for a project in Ward 7. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 15-548
| 1 | 9 | Resolution | Authorizing the proper city officials to approve the Amendment to the Grant of Easement and the Amendment to the Pedestrian Concourse Agreement between Pioneer Endicott LLC and the City of Saint Paul. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 15-558
| 1 | 10 | Resolution | Approving Liquor On Sale - 291 or More Seats, Liquor On Sale-Sunday, Liquor On Sale - 2 AM Closing, Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk), Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Patio), and Entertainment (B) licenses with conditions to Lowry Kitchen & Bar, LLC, d/b/a Bookmakers (License ID #20140003650) at 345 Wabasha Street North. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 15-559
| 1 | 11 | Resolution | Approving the addition of Liquor On Sale - 100 Seats or less, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, and Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) licenses with conditions to Lowertown CafƩ, LLC, d/b/a Lowertown CafƩ (License ID #20150000321) at 400 Sibley Street, Suite 150. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 15-536
| 1 | 12 | Resolution | Waiving the 45-day notice requirement to add Wine On Sale and Malt On Sale (Strong) licenses to Blindside 75 Minnesota, LLC, d/b/a Pieology Pizzeria (License ID #20150000083) at 2111 Ford Parkway. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 15-478
| 1 | 13 | Resolution | Authorizing the Department of Public Works to apply for the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services 2014 State Bond Fund Municipal I/I Grant. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Ord 15-12
| 1 | 14 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to licensing the sale of tobacco at retail, adding a penalty for revocation of license at a location. | Laid Over to Third Reading/Public Hearing | |
Action details
Ord 15-13
| 2 | 15 | Ordinance | Repealing Legislative Code Chap. 67, Art. III, pertaining to the Shepard Davern Commercial and Residential Redevelopment Overlay District as recommended in the Shepard Davern Area Zoning Study adopted on January 28, 2015. | Laid Over to Third Reading/Public Hearing | |
Action details
Ord 15-17
| 1 | 16 | Ordinance | Amending Section 409.30 - Districts; Pertaining to Block Party Rules Within the Downtown Development District. | Laid Over to Second Reading | |
Action details
Ord 15-18
| 1 | 17 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 31.09 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to electronic reallocation of votes. | Laid Over to Second Reading | |
Action details
RES 15-598
| 1 | | Resolution | Authorizing the Fire Department and the Saint Paul Fire Foundation, in cooperation with the Department of Public Works, to place signs around the City of Saint Paul to recognize the 62 firefighters who have died in the line of duty since 1855. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 15-604
| 1 | | Resolution | Supporting House File 97, Minnesota Driver's License for All. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Ord 15-14
| 1 | 18 | Ordinance | Creating the classification titled Deputy Director of Planning and Economic Development in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.2(H) of the City of Saint Paul Charter. (Civil Service Commission approval needed prior to Mayor's approval) | Public Hearing Closed; Laid Over to Fourth Reading/Final Adoption | Pass |
Action details
Ord 15-16
| 1 | 19 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 245 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to delete obsolete references and to allow tailgating at parking lots within a defined area for attendees of professional baseball games and other events at CHS Field. | Public Hearing Closed; Laid Over to Fourth Reading/Final Adoption | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 15-89
| 1 | 20 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Accepting the $40,000 Environmental Assistance Grant from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for the topic area Communities Adapting to Climate Change and Extreme Weather; providing a matching grant of up to $13,409; entering into a grant agreement with the MPCA that identifies the terms, and conditions of the funding award; and amending the 2015 grant budget in the amount of $40,000. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 15-50
| 1 | 21 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Ratifying the assessment for the improvement of the westernmost 190 feet of the alley in Finch's Addition, Block 5 (bounded by Watson Avenue, Armstrong Avenue, Bay Street, and Osceola Avenue). (File No. 19159, Assessment No. 145001) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 15-51
| 1 | 22 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Ratifying the assessment for the safety improvement of the sidewalk at 9 Seventh Place West (Seventh Place Associates LLC) by filling in the areaway. (File No. S1501, Assessment No. 155301) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 15-87
| 1 | 23 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Allocating $1,375,000 of the $9,500,000 streets and public spaces improvements funding of the 8-80 Vitality Fund to four projects, and establishing a capital project and spending budget for the Snelling Avenue Streetscape Project being administered and constructed by Mn/DOT and that requires a City cost share based on the location and types of improvements being made. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 15-71
| 1 | 24 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending budgets in the Department of Public Works in order to transfer $138,000 of available MSA financing from the Ames/Case/White Bear Avenue Project into the 2015 MSA Contingency Project. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 15-72
| 1 | 25 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending budgets in the Department of Public Works in order to transfer $63,000 from 2015 MSA Contingency into the Cayuga at Arkwright Street Improvements and Traffic Signal Installation Project. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 15-73
| 1 | 26 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending budgets in the Department of Public Works by adding $1,403,913 of MSA into the 2015 MSA Contingency Project known as SU-6600818 and approved on Council File PH 14-24. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 15-75
| 1 | 27 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending budgets in the Department of Public Works to fully fund the Reconstruction of the Kellogg Bridges at Market and St. Peter Streets known as SU-1702332 and SU-1703186 and approved on Council File(s) RES 09-1368 and PH 14-24. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH RR 15-5
| 3 | 34 | Resolution LH Substantial Abatement Order | Ordering the rehabilitation or razing and removal of the structures at 668-670 CONWAY STREET within fifteen (15) days after the March 4, 2015, City Council Public Hearing. (Public hearing continued from September 16) (Amended to remove within 15 days with no option for repair) | Referred | Pass |
Action details
RLH TA 15-114
| 2 | 39 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1504G1, Assessment No. 158408 at 699 IVY AVENUE EAST. | Adopted As Amended | Pass |
Action details
RLH FCO 15-28
| 2 | 43 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Felicia Reed to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice Updated with Corrected Dates at 1858 MAGNOLIA AVENUE EAST, UNIT 306. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH TA 15-121
| 2 | 59 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1503C, Assessment No. 152002 at 601 WESTERN AVENUE NORTH. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH TA 15-109
| 2 | 48 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1503C, Assessment No. 152002 at 586 RICE STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH TA 15-119
| 2 | 49 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1502C, Assessment No. 152001 at 586 RICE STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH VO 15-12
| 2 | 28 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Terry Scot Glass to a Revocation of Fire Certificate of Occupancy and Order to Vacate at 646 AURORA AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-96
| 5 | 29 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1504, Assessment No. 158803 at 361 BATES AVENUE. (Amended to VB1504A, Assessment No. 158813) | Adopted As Amended | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-183
| 1 | 30 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 14-81 to reduce the assessment for Collection of Certificate of Occupancy fees billed April 22 to June 13, 2014 at 498 BRIMHALL STREET. (File No. CRT1502, Assessment No. 158201) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-117
| 2 | 31 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 810 BUFFALO STREET. (Amended to Project No. VB1505B, Assessment No. 158818) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 15-16
| 2 | 32 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of DeMarcus Robertson to a Vacant Building Registration Notice at 1152 BUSH AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-198
| 1 | 33 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 15-1 to delete the assessment for Collection of Vacant Building fees billed November 5, 2013 to September 19, 2014 at 452 CONCORD STREET. (File No. VB1504, Assessment No. 158803) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-184
| 1 | 35 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 14-89 to reduce the assessment for Collection of Certificate of Occupancy fees billed July 14 to August 15, 2014 at 1228 DANFORTH STREET. (File No. CRT1504, Assessment No. 158203) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-124
| 2 | 36 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 1181 EDGERTON STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 15-31
| 2 | 37 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Scott Black to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 1805 HAWTHORNE AVENUE EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 15-21
| 2 | 38 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Donald Eldred to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 784 HOLTON STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-115
| 2 | 40 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1506, Assessment No. 158205 at 699 IVY AVENUE EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH TA 15-127
| 2 | 41 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1505B, Assessment No. 158104 at 551 JENKS AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-129
| 2 | 42 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1505B, Assessment No. 158104 at 675 MAGNOLIA AVENUE EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-128
| 2 | 44 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1505B, Assessment No. 158104 at 134 MARIA AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-100
| 2 | 45 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1506, Assessment No. 158205 at 1210 PACIFIC STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-126
| 2 | 46 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 827 PEDERSEN STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 15-15
| 2 | 47 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Gary Southward to a Vacant Building Registration Fee at 723 PLUM STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-131
| 2 | 50 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1505B, Assessment No. 158104 at 1021 ROSE AVENUE EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-132
| 2 | 51 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 1021 ROSE AVENUE EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-116
| 2 | 52 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 872 SELBY AVENUE. (Public hearing continued from May 6) (Public hearing to be continued to September 2, 2015) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-182
| 1 | 53 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 14-91 to delete the assessment for Boarding and/or Securing services during September 2014 at 882 SEVENTH STREET WEST. (File No. J1503B, Assessment No. 158102) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-122
| 2 | 54 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 987 SHERBURNE AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-134
| 2 | 55 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 688 SIXTH STREET EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH SAO 15-16
| 2 | 56 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Leo Reck to a Summary Abatement Order at 1119 SIXTH STREET EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-185
| 1 | 57 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 14-85 to delete the assessment for Collection of Vacant Building fees billed December 12, 2013 to July 17, 2014 at 1548 VAN BUREN AVENUE. (File No. VB1502, Assessment No. 158801) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-123
| 2 | 58 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 419 VAN DYKE STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-133
| 2 | 60 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 427 WHITALL STREET. (Public hearing continued from June 3) | Continue Public Hearing | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 15-125
| 2 | 61 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804 at 1673 YORK AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 15-5
| 2 | 62 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Collection of Certificate of Occupancy fees billed September 15 to October 10, 2014. (File No. CRT1506, Assessment No. 158205) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 15-6
| 2 | 63 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Collection of Vacant Building fees billed January 27 to October 22, 2014. (File No. VB1505, Assessment No. 158804) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 15-7
| 2 | 64 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Demolition services from August and October 2014. (File No. J1502C, Assessment No. 152001) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 15-8
| 2 | 65 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying Demolition services from September to October 2014. (File No. J1503C, Assessment No. 152002) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 15-9
| 2 | 66 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Boarding and/or Securing services during November 2014. (File No. J1505B, Assessment No. 158104) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available