RLH TA 14-527
| 1 | 1 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1412B, Assessment No. 148111 at 30 BAKER STREET EAST. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-512
| 1 | 2 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1412A, Assessment No. 148538 at 975 BRADLEY STREET. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-482
| 1 | 3 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1411A, Assessment No. 148535 at 959 BURR STREET. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-520
| 1 | 4 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1410A, Assessment No. 148816 at 537 CHARLES AVENUE. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-514
| 1 | 5 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1411P, Assessment No. 148410 at 83 DOUGLAS STREET. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-130
| 3 | 6 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1406A, Assessment No. 148505 at 310 EDMUND AVENUE. (Amended to Project No. J1406A4, Assessment No. 148531) (Public hearing continued from April 16) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-506
| 1 | 7 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1412A, Assessment No. 148538 at 259 ENGLISH STREET. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-521
| 1 | 8 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1412A, Assessment No. 148538 at 729 GERANIUM AVENUE EAST. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-419
| 3 | 9 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1410A, Assessment No. 148532 at 875 JENKS AVENUE. (Amended to File No. J1410A1, Assessment No. 148542) (Public hearing continued from September 17) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-518
| 1 | 10 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1410A2, Assessment No. 148546 at 1118 MARGARET STREET. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-516
| 1 | 11 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1412A, Assessment No. 148538 at 1118 MARGARET STREET. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-528
| 1 | 12 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1412A, Assessment No. 148538 at 134 MARIA AVENUE. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-511
| 1 | 13 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1412A, Assessment No. 148538 at 1680 MARSHALL AVENUE. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-525
| 1 | 14 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1411P, Assessment No. 148410 at 471 MARYLAND AVENUE WEST. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-529
| 1 | 15 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1411, Assessment No. 148817 at 1950 SEVENTH STREET WEST. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-526
| 1 | 16 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1411B, Assessment No. 148110 at 1145 WOODBRIDGE STREET. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-522
| 1 | 17 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1412A, Assessment No. 148538 at 1217 WOODBRIDGE STREET. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-500
| 1 | 18 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1412A, Assessment No. 148538 at 959 THIRD STREET EAST. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 14-66
| 1 | 19 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Boarding and/or Securing services during May 2014. (File No. J1411B, Assessment No. 148110) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 14-67
| 1 | 20 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Boarding and/or Securing services during June 2014. (File No. J1412B, Assessment No. 148111) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 14-68
| 1 | 21 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Graffiti Removal services during June 2014. (File No. J1411P, Assessment No. 148410) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 14-69
| 1 | 22 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Tree Removal services from July 2014. (File No. 1410T, Assessment No. 149010) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH SAO 14-33
| 1 | 23 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Thomas Rogge to a Summary Abatement Order plus a Letter from Department of Safety and Inspections billing the owner for an inspection at 842 CLEAR AVENUE. | Withdrawn | |
Action details
Not available
RLH SAO 14-17
| 3 | 24 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Roger Hodge to a Summary Abatement Order at 642 HALL AVENUE. (Public hearing continued from January 21) (To be referred back to Legislative Hearing on October 13, 2015; Council public hearing to be continued to October 21, 2015) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH SAO 14-18
| 3 | 25 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Mary L. Murphy and Thomas M. Murphy to a Summary Abatement Order at 15 BAKER STREET WEST. (Public hearing continued from January 21) (To be referred back to Legislative Hearing on October 13, 2015; Council public hearing to be continued to October 21, 2015) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH SAO 14-32
| 1 | 26 | Resolution LH Summary Abatement Order | Appeal of Cathy Van Ert to a Summary Abatement Order at 1627 CHAMBER STREET. | Withdrawn | |
Action details
Not available
RLH VO 14-37
| 1 | 27 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Elsie Mayard to a Notice of Condemnation as Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate at 755 MINNEHAHA AVENUE WEST. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH CO 14-9
| 1 | 28 | Resolution LH Correction Order (Code Enforcement Only) | Appeal of Gennady Lyubeznik to a Correction Notice at 1776 YORKSHIRE AVENUE. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH CO 14-10
| 1 | 29 | Resolution LH Correction Order (Code Enforcement Only) | Appeal of Endriash Hawaz, Ethiopian Evangelical Church, to a Correction Notice at 770 SEVENTH STREET EAST. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RLH VO 14-42
| 1 | 30 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Aaron and Mary Durkop to a Revocation of Fire Certificate of Occupancy and Order to Vacate at 727 SIXTH STREET EAST. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 14-78
| 2 | 31 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of John D. Lenzi to a Correction Notice-Complaint Inspection at 662 PAYNE AVENUE. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available