AO 14-39
| 1 | 1 | Administrative Order | Authorizing the Fire Department to pay for all costs incurred to hold a Safety Camp for Saint Paul youth on July 10-11, 2014 at the Jimmy Lee Recreation Center. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
AO 14-40
| 1 | 2 | Administrative Order | Amending the 2014 budget of the Emergency Shelter Federal Grants Fund. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1306
| 1 | 3 | Resolution | Approving the appointment of Jonathan Sage-Martinson as Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1321
| 1 | 4 | Resolution | Appointing Ashley Aram to serve as the Press Secretary - Assistant to the Mayor 1, effective August 4, 2014. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1245
| 1 | 5 | Resolution | Authorizing the Environmental Policy Director in the Mayor's office to apply for a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Environmental Assistance Grant for Focus Area F, Communities Adapting to Climate Change and Extreme Weather. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1244
| 1 | 6 | Resolution | Authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Works to apply for a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Environmental Assistance Grant for Focus Area E, Environmental Solid Waste Management Practices. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1238
| 1 | 8 | Resolution | Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council Public Hearing to ratify the assessment for benefits, costs and expenses for the Seventh Place Mall operation and maintenance for 2013. (File No. 18428-14 Assessment No. 147200) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1240
| 1 | 9 | Resolution | Preliminary Order setting the date of Public Hearing for September 3, 2014 to consider approval of the Seventh Place Mall operation and maintenance costs for 2014. (File No. 18428-15 Assessment No. 157200) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1234
| 1 | 10 | Resolution | Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council Public Hearing to ratify the assessment for benefits, costs, and expenses for the Arcade/Case and the Grand/Snelling parking lots operation and maintenance for 2015. (File No. 18744-14 and 18746-14, Assessment No. 147201 and 147202) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1236
| 1 | 11 | Resolution | Preliminary Order setting the date of City Council public hearing for September 3, 2014 to consider approval for the Arcade/Case and the Grand/Snelling parking lots operation and maintenance costs for 2016. (File No. 18744-15 and 18746-15, Assessment No. 157201 and 157202) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1301
| 1 | 12 | Resolution | Approving the City's cost of providing Boarding and/or Securing services during May 2014, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for September 9, 2014 and City Council Public Hearing for October 15, 2014 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1411B, Assessment No. 148110) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1302
| 1 | 13 | Resolution | Approving the City's cost of providing Boarding and/or Securing services during June 2014, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for September 9, 2014 and City Council Public Hearing for October 15, 2014 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1412B, Assessment No. 148111) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1303
| 1 | 14 | Resolution | Approving the City's cost of providing Graffiti Removal services during June 2014, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for September 9, 2014 and City Council Public Hearing for October 15, 2014 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1411P, Assessment No. 148410) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1224
| 1 | 15 | Resolution | Authorizing the Fire Department to accept the donation of 564 stuffed animals valued at $2,529 from the children and congregation of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and Vacation Bible School. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1242
| 1 | 16 | Resolution | Approving the Memorandum of Agreement for the May 1, 2014 Wage and Fringe Adjustment between the City of Saint Paul and the North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters. | Laid Over | |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1271
| 1 | 17 | Resolution | Accepting a donation from the St. Paul Athletic Club (SPAC) for the Employee Wellness Program. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1243
| 1 | 18 | Resolution | Adopting the Harriet Island to South Saint Paul Regional Trail Master Plan and authorizing the submission of said Master Plan to the Metropolitan Council for review and approval. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1279
| 1 | 20 | Resolution | Authorizing the Police Department to enter into a cost reimbursement agreement with the US Department of Agriculture for reimbursement of police services provided. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1281
| 1 | 21 | Resolution | Authorizing the Police Department to accept $17,500 in grants from the Saint Paul Police Foundation for the Explorers program and the Family Violence Unit. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1261
| 1 | 23 | Resolution | Approving adverse action against the Dance or Rental Halls license held by International Deli & Banquet Hall, LLC, d/b/a Farooq's Hall at 560 Como Avenue. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1260
| 1 | 24 | Resolution | Approving adverse action against all licenses held by Eden Pizza Twin Cities, LLC, d/b/a Eden Pizza at 629 Aldine Street. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1288
| 1 | 25 | Resolution | Waiving the 45-day notice requirement to add a Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) license with conditions to Bedlam Theatre (License ID #20120003964) at 213 Fourth Street East. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1235
| 1 | 26 | Resolution | Approving the application, per the Deputy Legislative Hearing Officer, for Liquor On Sale - 100 seats or less, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, and Liquor On Sale - 2 AM Closing licenses, for CPSP Inc., (I.D. #20140001008), d/b/a Sweet Pea's at 472 Snelling Avenue South. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1289
| 1 | 27 | Resolution | Memorializing City Council action taken on July 9, 2014 sustaining adverse licensing action against all licenses held by More 4 A Buck, Inc. at 1176 Dale Street North. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RES 14-1254
| 1 | 7 | Resolution | Adopting and approving the Saint Paul Residential Construction Management Acknowledgement Form. (Laid over from August 6) | Laid Over | Pass |
Action details
RES 14-1318
| 1 | 19 | Resolution | Authorizing the Department of Planning and Economic Development to apply to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for a redevelopment grant for the New Phalen Village Center project. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 14-1324
| 1 | 28 | Resolution | Initiating a zoning code study of the current dimensional and building design standards applicable to the new construction or remodeling of single-family homes located in R1- R4 zoning districts within the defined boundaries of Ward 3 set forth in the most recent ward boundary resolution adopted pursuant to City Charter Ā§ 4.01.2. | Adopted As Amended | Pass |
Action details
CO 14-31
| 1 | 29 | Communications & Receive/File | Presentation by Michelle Snider, executive director of the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association (MRPA), of three Awards of Excellence received by Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. | Received and Filed | |
Action details
Ord 14-27
| 1 | 30 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 375 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the requirements for holding a pedicab driver license. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Ord 14-29
| 2 | 31 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Sunday Sales and Brewer Taproom licenses, and Microdistillery Cocktail Room licenses. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Ord 14-31
| 1 | 32 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 357 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to construction debris, haulers and related hazardous materials. | Laid Over to Third Reading/Public Hearing | |
Action details
Ord 14-32
| 1 | 33 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code creating a Residential Construction Management Acknowledgment Form and outlining the responsibilities associated with it. | Amended and Laid Over for Second Reading | Pass |
Action details
Ord 14-33
| 1 | 34 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to add a Microdistillery Cocktail Room license fee. | Laid Over to Second Reading | |
Action details
Ord 14-34
| 1 | 35 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 324 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to single cigar packaging regulation. | Laid Over to Second Reading | |
Action details
RES 14-1305
| 1 | 22 | Resolution | Denying the request for a stay of implementation of RLH VO 14-5 (ordering vacation of 328-330 NINTH STREET EAST), pending appeal. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Ord 14-30
| 2 | 36 | Ordinance | Amending Chapter 2 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code pertaining to Community Presence and Responsibility in Banking. | Public Hearing Closed; Laid Over to Fourth Reading/Final Adoption | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-209
| 1 | 37 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Approving the application of Colleen Healy, Irish Fair of Minnesota, for a sound level variance in order to provide amplified music and the use of a sound system from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 7, 2014; from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Friday, August 8, 2014; from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 9, 2014; and from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 10, 2014 during the Irish Fair of Minnesota at Harriet Island. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-212
| 1 | 38 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Approving the application of Team Ortho Foundation, Women ROCK Event, for a sound level variance in order to present outdoor music and amplified announcements on Saturday, August 30, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Upper Landing Park, Old Chestnut Road & Shepard Road; and from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Shepard Road at Washington Street. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-214
| 1 | 39 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Approving the application of Midwest Latino Entertainment & Talent, Inc., Latin Festival Event for a sound level variance in order to present outdoor music and announcements on Sunday, August 10, 2014 from 12:00 10:00 p.m. near the corner of Plato Boulevard and Livingston Avenue. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-213
| 1 | 40 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Approving the application of Team Ortho Foundation for a sound level variance in order to present outdoor iPod music and amplified announcements at the Women ROCK Event on Saturday, August 30, 2014 on Mississippi River Boulevard, south of Ford Parkway near the Lock and Dam No. 1 Site. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-207
| 1 | 41 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Approving the application of the Epilepsy Foundation for a sound level variance in order to present outdoor music and amplified announcements at the Stroll for Epilepsy Event on Thursday, August 7, 2014 from 4:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Lake Phalen Park. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
APC 14-2
| 1 | 42 | Appeal-Planning Comm | Public hearing to consider the appeal of Payne Phalen District 5 Planning Council to a decision of the Planning Commission approving an expansion of nonconforming use to increase the number of parking stalls for outdoor auto sales at 1265 Arcade Street. | Granted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-218
| 1 | 43 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Approving adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco license held by Little Grocery, LLC, d/b/a Little Grocery located at 1724 University Avenue West. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
PH 14-9
| 1 | 44 | Public Hearing-Misc. | Public hearing to consider the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning the Taxicab Driver license (License ID #: 0048592) held by Patrick Emmet Murphy. | Motion of Intent | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-171
| 1 | 45 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Ratifying the assessment for improvements on Bayless Avenue and Bayless Place. (File No. 19152, Assessment No. 145202) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-180
| 1 | 46 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Final Order approving the installation of a storm sewer service connection at 24 East Fourth Street. (File No. 19165C, Assessment No. 146005) | Laid Over | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-215
| 1 | 47 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending plans in the Fire Department in the amount of $13,750 for a contribution received from the Minnesota Board of Firefighter Training and Education to pay for training for firefighters. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-216
| 1 | 48 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Establishing the financing and spending plans in the Fire Department for a reimbursement from the City of Minneapolis in the amount of $100,229.49. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-170
| 1 | 49 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending plans in the Lowertown Ballpark Project in the amount of $1,712,022; authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to accept grants in the amount of $3,476,750; and amending the amount of the City's internal loan to the project to reflect the grants awarded and other financing sources identified. | Adopted As Amended | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-190
| 1 | 50 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Authorizing acceptance of a $46,000 donation from the St. Paul Garden Club and amending the Department of Parks and Recreation Long Range Capital Improvement Financing and Spending Plan to reflect these donated funds for implementation of conceptual design for Rice Park revitalization. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-211
| 1 | 51 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the 2014 budget in the amount of $4,000,000 to accept a grant from the State of Minnesota for the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, and approving and authorizing execution of an amended state grant agreement, amended lease documents with the Ordway, and related documents. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES PH 14-185
| 1 | 52 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Amending the financing and spending budgets in the Department of Public Works under the Griggs Avenue and Jefferson Avenue Bicycle and Streetscape projects by transferring $678,213.00 and recognizing additional financing of $243,000 Federal TLC Funds. | Laid Over | Pass |
Action details
RLH FCO 14-95
| 2 | 62 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Floyd Johnson to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 503 FOREST STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
RLH VO 14-25
| 2 | 66 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Gerald Kaluzny, Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services, on behalf of James Frye to a Notice of Condemnation-Unfit for Human Habitation-Order to Vacate at 1755 GRACE LANE. | Adopted As Amended | Pass |
Action details
RLH VO 14-31
| 2 | 88 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Anton Soukhanov to a Revocation of Fire Certificate of Occupancy and Order to Vacate at 1280 SEVENTH STREET WEST. | Adopted As Amended | Pass |
Action details
RLH VO 14-28
| 2 | 53 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Kenneth D. Firkus to a Revocation of Fire Certificate of Occupancy and Order to Vacate at 661 ASHLAND AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-451
| 1 | 54 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 14-37 to reduce the assessment for Tree Removal services from January 2014 at 396 BLAIR AVENUE. (File No. 1406T, Assessment No. 149006) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 14-102
| 2 | 55 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Joe Genereux to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 208 CHARLES AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 14-96
| 2 | 56 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of Faye Sparks to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 374 CHEROKEE AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 14-52
| 2 | 57 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Dawn Hager and Tamara Hart to a Vacant Building Registration Notice at 1814 CLEAR AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 14-55
| 2 | 58 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Stephen Dick to a Vacant Building Registration Fee at 764 CONCORD STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH OA 14-10
| 2 | 59 | Resolution LH Other Appeal Type | Recommending that Ramsey County deny the application of Linda P. Ji, Attorney for Rock of Ages Missionary Baptist Church, for repurchase of tax forfeited property at 507 DALE STREET NORTH. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH OA 14-12
| 2 | 60 | Resolution LH Other Appeal Type | Recommending that Ramsey County deny the application of Coretta B. Walker-Rinehart for repurchase of a tax forfeited duplex located at 1057 DAYTON AVENUE and 1059 DAYTON AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VO 14-27
| 2 | 61 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Patricia Whitney, Twin Oak Management, LLC to a Notice of Condemnation Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate at 586 EDMUND AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-376
| 2 | 63 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1409B, Assessment No. 148108 at 1043 FOREST STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-383
| 2 | 64 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1409B, Assessment No. 148108 at 717 FRY STREET. (Amended to File No. J1409B3, Assessment No. 148114) | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-364
| 4 | 65 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1410, Assessment No. 148210 at 206 GOODRICH AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH OA 14-13
| 2 | 67 | Resolution LH Other Appeal Type | Appeal of Elizabeth Sampair to a Denial of an Application for a Fence Variance at 1845 GRAHAM AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-380
| 2 | 68 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1410, Assessment No. 148210 at 636 GRAND AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 14-53
| 2 | 69 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Nurul Amin to a Vacant Building Registration Renewal Notice at 290 HARRISON AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 14-50
| 2 | 70 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Amanda Danielson to a Vacant Building Registration Notice at 1256 HARTFORD AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH OA 14-11
| 2 | 71 | Resolution LH Other Appeal Type | Recommending that Ramsey County approve the application of Curtis W. Baker for repurchase of tax forfeited property at 660 JESSAMINE AVENUE EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-452
| 1 | 72 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 14-37 to reduce the assessment for Tree Removal services from January 2014 at 678 JESSAMINE AVENUE EAST. (File No. 1406T, Assessment No. 149006) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-346
| 3 | 73 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1409A, Assessment No. 148526 at 1035 MAGNOLIA AVENUE EAST. (Amended to File No. J1409A1, Assessment No. 148540) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-6
| 3 | 74 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1404A, Assessment No. 148503 at 1152 MARION STREET. (Amended to Project No. J1404A3, Assessment No. 148520) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 14-56
| 2 | 75 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Bich Lien Nguyen to a Vacant Building Registration Renewal Notice at 1577 MARION STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-453
| 1 | 76 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 14-37 to reduce the assessment for Tree Removal services from January 2014 at 987 MINNEHAHA AVENUE EAST. (File No. 1406T, Assessment No. 149006) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-454
| 1 | 77 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 14-37 to reduce the assessment for Tree Removal services from January 2014 at 989 MINNEHAHA AVENUE EAST. (File No. 1406T, Assessment No. 149006) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-372
| 2 | 78 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1409B, Assessment No. 148108 at 884 MOUND STREET. (Amended to File No. J1409B1, Assessment No. 148113) | Continue Public Hearing | |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 14-78
| 2 | 79 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of John D. Lenzi to a Correction Notice-Complaint Inspection at 662 PAYNE AVENUE. | Referred | |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-378
| 2 | 80 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1409B Assessment No. 148108 at 578 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD SOUTH. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-365
| 2 | 81 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1410, Assessment No. 148210 at 1765 RANDOLPH AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-455
| 1 | 82 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Amending Council File RLH AR 14-37 to reduce the assessment for Tree Removal services from January 2014 at 1004 RAYMOND AVENUE. (File No. 1406T, Assessment No. 149006) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH FCO 14-88
| 2 | 83 | Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction Order | Appeal of James Gilbert to a Re-Inspection Fire Certificate of Occupancy with Deficiencies at 1127 RAYMOND AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-318
| 3 | 84 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1409, Assessment No. 148813 at 1812 REANEY AVENUE. (Amended to File No. VB1409B, Assessment No. 148824) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-379
| 2 | 85 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1408P, Assessment No. 148407 at 1258 RICE STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH OA 14-9
| 2 | 86 | Resolution LH Other Appeal Type | Recommending that Ramsey County deny the application of Kyle Erin Christensen for repurchase of tax forfeited property at 1219 ROSS AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 13-720
| 3 | 87 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A1, Assessment No. 148513 (amended from File No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502) at 1173 ST. PAUL AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VO 14-30
| 2 | 89 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Keren Orr to a Revocation of Fire Certificate of Occupancy and Order to Vacate at 362 SHERBURNE AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-377
| 2 | 90 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1408P, Assessment No. 148407 at 902 SIXTH STREET EAST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-374
| 2 | 91 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1408P, Assessment No. 148407 at 299 SNELLING AVENUE NORTH. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-366
| 2 | 92 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1410, Assessment No. 148210 at 1405 SUMMIT AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VBR 14-54
| 2 | 93 | Resolution LH Vacant Building Registration | Appeal of Daniel Diaz to a Vacant Building Registration and Correction Orders at 14 SYCAMORE STREET WEST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VO 14-24
| 2 | 94 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of William Harvey to a Notice of Condemnation as Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate at 740 TATUM STREET. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-381
| 2 | 95 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1410, Assessment No. 148210 at 439 THOMAS AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH VO 14-29
| 2 | 96 | Resolution LH Vacate Order | Appeal of Julianna Warn to a Notice of Condemnation as Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate at 615 THOMAS AVENUE. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH TA 14-375
| 2 | 97 | Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal | Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1408P, Assessment No. 148407 at 946 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 14-45
| 2 | 98 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Collection of Certificate of Occupancy fees billed January 6 to February 10, 2014. (File No. CRT1410, Assessment No. 148210) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 14-46
| 2 | 99 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Boarding and/or Securing services during March 2014. (File No. J1409B, Assessment No. 148108) | Adopted As Amended | |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 14-47
| 2 | 100 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Graffiti Removal services from March 8 to April 9, 2014. (File No. J1408P, Assessment No. 148407) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available
RLH AR 14-48
| 2 | 101 | Resolution LH Assessment Roll | Ratifying the assessments for Tree Removal services during April 2014. (File No. 1408T, Assessment No. 149008) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
Not available