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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 6/25/2014 3:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - 3rd Floor
There will be no meeting on July 2. July public hearings will be held on July 9 and 23.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
CO 14-26 11Communications & Receive/FileLetter from the Department of Safety and Inspections declaring 382 Jessamine Avenue East a nuisance property. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
RES 14-1081 12ResolutionApproving the settlement agreement and release between the City of Saint Paul and Judy Steffenhagen and her attorney Jeremy R. Stevens.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-936 13ResolutionApproving the City's cost of providing Collection of Certificate of Occupancy Fees billed February 11 to March 10, 2014, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for July 22, 2014 and City Council Public Hearing for September 3, 2014 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. CRT1411, Assessment No. 148212)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-937 14ResolutionApproving the City's cost of providing Excessive Use of Inspection services billed February 7 to March 28, 2014, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for July 22, 2014 and City Council Public Hearing for September 3, 2014 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1405E, Assessment No. 148310)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-938 15ResolutionApproving the City's cost of providing Boarding and/or Securing services during April 2014, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for July 22, 2014 and City Council Public Hearing for September 3, 2014 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1410B, Assessment No. 148109)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-939 16ResolutionApproving the City’s cost of providing Graffiti Removal services from April 10 to May 2, 2014, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for July 22, 2014 and City Council Public Hearing for September 3, 2014 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1409P, Assessment No. 148408)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-1108 17ResolutionAwarding the sale of Taxable General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2014D; delegating to a Pricing Committee the authority to set the terms thereof within parameters set forth in this Resolution; fixing the form of the Series 2014D Bonds and directing their execution and delivery; and providing for the payment of and levying a tax for the Series 2014D Bonds.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-1114 18ResolutionApproving an amendment to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Spruce Tree/Metz Bakery Tax Increment Financing District, District 7 and 13, Ward 1 and 4.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-1103 19ResolutionApproving the May 1, 2014 Wage and Fringe Adjustment between the City of Saint Paul and The Pipefitters Local Union #455.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RES 14-1035 110ResolutionAuthorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to accept a grant from Cargill, Incorporated in the amount of $5,000, and authorizing the amending of the 2014 Budget in accordance with this donation to support environmental programming and volunteer resources.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-1084 111ResolutionAuthorizing the Police Department to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota State Agricultural Society for the 2014 State Fair.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-1085 112ResolutionAuthorizing the Police Department to accept the 2015 Juvenile Accountability Acceptance Grant in the amount of $10,292 with a $1,144 match requirement from the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-1097 113ResolutionAuthorizing the Police Department to enter into a contract with the State of Minnesota, Dakota County Technical College for Law Enforcement Driver Training for multiple dates in 2014.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-1083 114ResolutionWaiving the 45-day notice requirement to add Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) and Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Patio) licenses with conditions to Third Way, Inc., d/b/a Groundswell (License ID #20130000597) at 1342 Thomas Avenue.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 14-1099 115ResolutionDesignating June 25, 2014 as Rose Ramey Day in the City of Saint Paul.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
Ord 14-9 216OrdinanceAmending Chapter 225 of the Legislative Code to regulate use of bows, arrows, and crossbows in the City of Saint Paul. (Public hearing held February 19, 2014; laid over from September 24, 2014)Laid Over to Final AdoptionPass Action details Video Video
Ord 14-25 117OrdinanceAmending Chapter 157 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to parking for commercial and overweight vehicles.Laid Over to Third Reading/Public Hearing  Action details Video Video
RES 14-1140 1 ResolutionAffirming and extending a local emergency related to the summer flooding of 2014.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
File #Date NameDistrictOpinionCommentAction
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