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Meeting Name: Legislative Hearings Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 11/19/2013 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final-revised  
Meeting location: Room 330 City Hall & Court House
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
RLH TA 13-681 21Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1403, Assessment No. 148202 at 168 ACKER STREET EAST.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-686 12Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1401E, Assessment No. 148300 at 974 ARCADE STREET.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-690 13Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 1087 ARUNDEL STREET.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-711 24Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1403, Assessment No. 148202 at 2179 BUSH AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-691 15Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 402 CLEVELAND AVENUE NORTH.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-692 16Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 1146 DULUTH STREET.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-706 17Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 521 EDMUND AVENUE. (Public hearing continued from January 15)Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-713 18Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1403, Assessment No. 148202 at 663 FIFTH STREET EAST, UNITS A & B.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-682 29Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1403, Assessment No. 148202 at 214 FOURTH STREET EAST.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-693 110Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 891 FREMONT AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-694 111Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 2209 GLENRIDGE AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-695 112Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 2020 GOODRICH AVENUE.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-687 113Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1401E, Assessment No. 148300 at 1858 GRAND AVENUE. (Public hearing continued from January 15) (Amended to File No. J1401E1, Assessment No. 148302 and to delete the assessment)Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-688 114Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1401E, Assessment No. 148300 at 80 GROTTO STREET SOUTH.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-696 115Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 2016 IDAHO AVENUE EAST.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-710 116Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403G, Assessment No. 148702 at 1069 LAFOND AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-697 117Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 1633 MARGARET STREET.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-705 118Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 719 PAYNE AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-685 119Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1401E, Assessment No. 148300 at 1558 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD SOUTH.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-709 120Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 526 ST. ALBANS STREET NORTH.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-699 121Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 919 ST. ANTHONY AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-698 122Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 786 SHERBURNE AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-700 123Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 2072 THIRD STREET EAST.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-712 124Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 1660 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-701 125Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 1337 WINCHELL STREET.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-707 126Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1401A, Assessment No. 148500 at 82 WINTER STREET.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-702 127Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 1203 WOODBRIDGE STREET.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-703 128Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 1231 WOODBRIDGE STREET.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-704 129Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 1033 YORK AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-715 130Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 810 BUFFALO STREET.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-714 131Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1402A, Assessment No. 148501 at 810 BUFFALO STREET.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-716 132Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502 at 59 CONGRESS STREET EAST.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RLH TA 13-717 133Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1402B, Assessment No. 148101 at 1585 CONWAY STREET.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH AR 13-113 134Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessments for Collection of Certificate of Occupancy Fees billed July 4 to August 1, 2013. (File No. CRT1403, Assessment No. 148202)Referred  Action details Not available
RLH AR 13-115 136Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessments for Trashing Hauling Services during September 2013. (File No. J1403G, Assessment No. 148702)Referred  Action details Not available
RLH AR 13-114 135Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessments for Property Clean Up Services from August 30 to September 30, 2013. (File No. J1403A, Assessment No. 148502)Referred  Action details Not available
RLH CO 13-34 137Resolution LH Correction Order (Code Enforcement Only)Appeal of Robin Magee to a Correction Notice at 466 MARSHALL AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH VO 13-49 138Resolution LH Vacate OrderAppeal of Wendy Jansen to a Notice of Condemnation as Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate at 610 ST. ALBANS STREET NORTH.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH VO 13-60 139Resolution LH Vacate OrderAppeal of Chris Dewberry to a Revocation of Fire Certificate of Occupancy and Order to Vacate at 1940 REANEY AVENUE EAST.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH CO 13-37 140Resolution LH Correction Order (Code Enforcement Only)Appeal of Ray Moore to a Correction Notice at 710 DESOTO STREET.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
RLH FCO 13-246 141Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction OrderAppeal of Robyn Sykes to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 100 EMPIRE DRIVE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH FCO 13-243 142Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction OrderAppeal of Luke Bickford on behalf of Tareyton Condominium Association to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 383 GRAND AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH FCO 13-245 143Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction OrderAppeal of Blake Lehane to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 92 MAGNOLIA AVENUE WEST.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH FCO 13-247 144Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction OrderAppeal of Greg Oppegard to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice - Rescheduled Appointment at 667 SURREY AVENUE.Referred  Action details Not available
RLH VBR 13-63 145Resolution LH Vacant Building RegistrationAppeal of Craig Cooper to a Vacant Building Registration Notice at 888 CONCORDIA AVENUE.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RLH VBR 13-64 146Resolution LH Vacant Building RegistrationAppeal of Ruzhao Cheng and Jun Xiao to a Fire Inspection Code Compliance Notice Registered Vacant Building - Category 2 at 568 - 570 SNELLING AVENUE / 1566 - 1574 EDMUND AVENUE. (Public hearing continued from December 18 and January 2)Laid Over  Action details Not available
RLH VBR 13-62 147Resolution LH Vacant Building RegistrationAppeal of Michael Schleisman for Bank of America to a Vacant Building Registration Renewal Notice at 219 WHITE BEAR AVENUE NORTH.Referred  Action details Not available
FileĀ #Date NameDistrictOpinionCommentAction
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