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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/8/2025 3:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - 3rd Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
CO 25-2 11Communications & Receive/FileNotification that Mica Park has been installed by Project Paul, LLC (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ryan Companies US, Inc.) (ā€œRyanā€) on the Ford (Highland Bridge) Site.Received and Filed  Action details Not available
CO 25-1 12Communications & Receive/FileLetter from the Department of Safety and Inspections declaring 1319-1321 Dayton Avenue a nuisance property. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
RES 25-40 13ResolutionCreating the new classification of Lead Life Coach Case Worker in EG 06, Professional Employees Association.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RES 25-41 14ResolutionCreating the new classification of Life Coach Case Worker in EG 06, Professional Employees Association.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RES 25-57 15ResolutionEstablishing the rate of pay for Senior Legislative Aide in Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers, Grade 16C.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RES 25-58 16ResolutionEstablishing the rate of pay for Chief Policy Analyst, EG 17, Non-Represented City Managers, Grade 25C.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RES 25-42 17ResolutionApproving the Cityā€™s cost of providing Collection of Vacant Building Registration fees billed during March 1 to August 14, 2024, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for February 4, 2025 and City Council public hearing for March 19, 2025 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. VB2506, Assessment No. 258805)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-43 18ResolutionApproving the Cityā€™s cost of providing Securing and/or Emergency Boarding services during September 2024, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for February 4, 2025 and City Council public hearing for March 19, 2025 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J2506B, Assessment No. 258105)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-45 110ResolutionApproving the Cityā€™s cost of providing Excessive Use of Inspection or Abatement services billed during July 23 to August 21, 2024, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for February 4, 2025 and City Council public hearing for March 19, 2025 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J2506E, Assessment No. 258305)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-46 111ResolutionApproving the Cityā€™s cost of providing Graffiti Removal services during August 8 to 14, 2024, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for February 4, 2025 and City Council public hearing for March 19, 2025 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J2506P, Assessment No. 258405)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-47 112ResolutionApproving the Cityā€™s cost of providing Towing of Abandoned Vehicle(s) services during April to July 2024, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for February 4, 2025 and City Council public hearing for March 19, 2025 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J2502V, Assessment No. 258001)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-2 113ResolutionDesignating the City's official newspaper for 2025.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-21 114ResolutionRequesting a variance from Minnesota Municipal State Aid Rules for the Kellogg Boulevard Capital City Bikeway Project from 7th Street West to St. Peter Street.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-32 115ResolutionAccepting right-of-way easements to dedicate a new public street in conjunction with the housing development by Buhl Investors at 102 Water Street and 150 Water Street on the City's West Side.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-52 116ResolutionAuthorizing the Police Department to submit an application to the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-53 117ResolutionAuthorizing the City on behalf of the Police Department (SPPD) to accept a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) 2024 program.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-27 118ResolutionApproving the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation for the application submitted by D X LLC (License ID# 20240001917), d/b/a Rite Liquor, for Liquor Off Sale and Tobacco Shop licenses, located at 645 Snelling Avenue South.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-1 119ResolutionApproving the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation for the application submitted by Minipac LLC (License ID# 20240001961), d/b/a Minipac, for Gas Station and Tobacco Shop licenses, located at 1184 Maryland Avenue East.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-54 120ResolutionApproving the Memorandum of Agreement between the City and the Tri-Council: LIUNA Laborers, Local 363; General Drivers, Local 120; and Operating Engineers, Local 49 for the purpose of amending Article 4 of the 2023-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement regarding the LIUNA Pension Fund contribution.Laid Over  Action details Not available
RES 25-34 121ResolutionApproving the application for change of ownership to the Liquor Off Sale and Tobacco Shop license now held by Ghalley Inc d/b/a International Spirits (License ID #20240001966) for the premises located at 710 Cleveland Avenue South.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-55 122ResolutionAuthorizing the Department of Public Works to submit applications for state funding to the 2024-2025 MnDOT Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Program with no local capital funding match requirements.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-56 123ResolutionAuthorizing the Fire Department to apply for a $38,163.00 grant through the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for the purchase of fire hydrant valves.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-8 124ResolutionApproving a Parking Ramp (Private) - New Location license to Emerald Street LLC d/b/a Metro Lofts (License ID 20240000459) for the premises located at 2650 University Avenue West.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-9 125ResolutionApproving the application for change of ownership to the Parking Lot license now held by Keefeco Parking LLC d/b/a Keefeco Parking LLC (License ID #20240001670) for the premises located at 471 Wabasha Street North.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-10 126ResolutionApproving the application for change of ownership to the Parking Lot license now held by Keefeco Parking LLC d/b/a Keefeco Parking LLC (License ID #20240001671) for the premises located at 209 9th Street East.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-11 127ResolutionApproving the application for change of ownership to the Parking Ramp license now held by Keefeco Parking LLC d/b/a Keefeco Parking LLC (License ID #20240001669) for the premises located at 145 7th Street East.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-12 128ResolutionApproving the application for change of ownership to the Parking Ramp license now held by Keefeco Parking LLC d/b/a Keefeco Parking LLC (License ID #20240001673) for the premises located at 95 7th Street East.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-13 129ResolutionApproving a Motor Vehicle Dealer- New Vehicles and Second Hand Dealer- Motor Vehicle - New Location license to Dunn Enterprises Inc d/b/a Johnson Williams Funeral Sales (License ID 20240001967) for the premises located at 935 Bradford Street.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-14 130ResolutionApproving the application for change of ownership to the Parking Lot license now held by Keefeco Parking LLC d/b/a Keefeco Parking LLC (License ID #20240001668) for the premises located at 393 Kellogg Boulevard East.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 24-1891 131ResolutionApproving the Memorandum of Agreement for the 2025 January Wage and Fringe Adjustment (January 1, 2025) for the Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No. 417.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 25-44 19ResolutionApproving the Cityā€™s cost of providing Collection of Fire Certificate of Occupancy fees billed during to September 7 to October 24, 2024, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for February 4, 2025 and City Council public hearing for March 19, 2025 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. CRT2506, Assessment No. 258205)Adopted As AmendedPass Action details Video Video
Ord 24-40 132OrdinanceAmending Section 220.05 of the Legislative Code to set rates for base level garbage service to be effective April 1, 2025.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
Ord 25-2 133OrdinanceAmending Chapter 6.03 of the City Charter pertaining to the application of Administrative Citations for violations of City Ordinances, based on the recommendation of the Charter Commission pursuant to Minnesota Statute section 410.12, subdivision 7.Laid Over to Second Reading  Action details Video Video
Ord 25-3 134OrdinanceGranting the application of Macalester College to rezone property at 1655 and 1661 Grand Avenue and 37 Macalester Street (north side between Macalester and Cambridge) from T2 traditional neighborhood to RM1 multiple family and to rezone property at 53, 57, and 63 Macalester Street (southwest corner of Grand and Macalester) from T2 traditional neighborhood to VP vehicle parking, and amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the zoning map.Laid Over to Second Reading  Action details Video Video
RES PH 25-4 135Resolution-Public HearingAuthorizing the disposition of City-owned property to Macalester College.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 24-335 239Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 586 BURGESS STREET. (File No. VB2501, Assessment No. 258800)Laid Over  Action details Video Video
RLH VO 25-1 255Resolution LH Vacate OrderAppeal of Tamer Azzazi, T & M Properties, to a Notice of Condemnation-Unfit for Human Habitation-Order to Vacate at 722 SIXTH STREET EAST.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 24-320 236Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 515 BEAUMONT STREET. (File No. J2501E, Assessment No. 258300)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH TA 24-236 337Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1056 BEECH STREET. (File No. J2420R1, Assessment No. 248535) (Amend to delete)Adopted As Amended  Action details Not available
RLH SAO 24-80 238Resolution LH Summary Abatement OrderAppeal of Thomas Grant to a Vehicle Abatement Order at 1449 BREDA AVENUE. (Refer to January 14, 2025 Legislative Hearing)Referred  Action details Not available
RLH TA 24-330 240Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 412 CASE AVENUE. (File No. 2501T, Assessment No. 259000)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH SAO 24-84 241Resolution LH Summary Abatement OrderAppeal of Rachel Kessy to a Summary Abatement Order at 1289 DANFORTH STREET.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH TA 24-376 242Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1386 EDMUND AVENUE. (File No. J2501E, Assessment No. 258300)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH VO 24-37 243Resolution LH Vacate OrderAppeal of Amber Duncan to a Notice of Condemnation as Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate at 973 FRONT AVENUE.Adopted As Amended  Action details Not available
RLH VBR 24-74 244Resolution LH Vacant Building RegistrationAppeal of Hassan Haydar to a Vacant Building Registration Notice at 480 GERANIUM AVENUE EAST.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH VBR 24-68 245Resolution LH Vacant Building RegistrationAppeal of Heather Mendiola, SMRLS (Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services), representing Kyaw Die, owner, to a Vacant Building Registration Renewal Notice and Summary Abatement Order at 729 HAWTHORNE AVENUE EAST.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH TA 24-325 246Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 500 JACKSON STREET. (File No. J2501P, Assessment No. 258400)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH VBR 24-75 247Resolution LH Vacant Building RegistrationAppeal of Eden Spencer, Greater Metropolitan Housing Corp/GMHC Holding LLC to a Vacant Building Registration Renewal Notice at 1117 JENKS AVENUE.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH TA 24-346 248Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 443 JOHNSON PARKWAY. (File No. J2501E, Assessment No. 258300)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH TA 24-348 249Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1033 MARYLAND AVENUE EAST. (File No. J2501B, Assessment No. 258100)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH VBR 24-72 250Resolution LH Vacant Building RegistrationAppeal of Kristina Schultz to a Vacant Building Registration Notice and Order to Vacate at 150 & 152 PAGE STREET WEST.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH VBR 24-76 251Resolution LH Vacant Building RegistrationAppeal of Damon Mason, Rondo Community Land Trust, to a Vacant Building Registration Renewal Notice at 843 SELBY AVENUE.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH TA 24-345 252Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1173 SEVENTH STREET WEST. (File No. J2501P, Assessment No. 248400)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH TA 24-338 253Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealRatifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 2401 SEVENTH STREET WEST. (File No. CRT2501, Assessment No. 258200)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH FCO 24-113 254Resolution LH Fire C of O OR Correction OrderAppeal of Nikki Knapp, on behalf of Al Conard, to a Fire Inspection Correction Notice at 1743 SHERWOOD AVENUE.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH TA 24-336 256Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 2111 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST. (File No. J2501P, Assessment No. 258400)AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
RLH TA 24-350 257Resolution LH Tax Assessment AppealDeleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1714 VAN BUREN AVENUE. (File No. J2501B, Assessment No. 258100)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH AR 24-76 258Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessment for Collection of Vacant Building Registration fees billed during December 20, 2023 to March 20, 2024. (File No. VB2501, Assessment No. 258800)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH AR 24-77 259Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessment for Securing and/or Emergency Boarding services during April 2024. (File No. J2501B, Assessment No. 258100)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH AR 24-78 260Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessment for Collection of Fire Certificate of Occupancy fees billed during October 6, 2023 to April 26, 2024. (File No. CRT2501, Assessment No. 258200)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH AR 24-79 261Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessment for Excessive Use of Inspection or Abatement services billed during February 22 to March 21, 2024. (File No. J2501E, Assessment No. 258300)Adopted As Amended  Action details Not available
RLH AR 24-80 262Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessment for Graffiti Removal services during April 9 to May 16, 2024. (File No. J2501P, Assessment No. 258400)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
RLH AR 24-81 263Resolution LH Assessment RollRatifying the assessment for Removal of Diseased and/or Dangerous Tree(s) service during May to June 2024. (File No. 2501T, Assessment No. 259000)AdoptedPass Action details Not available
FileĀ #Date NameDistrictOpinionCommentAction
Ord 25-2 1/14/2025 8:50 AME Lein (again)   Look at RLH VO 24-37 (Adopted by City Council, 1/8/2025): Appeal a Notice of Condemnation as Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate at 973 FRONT AVENUE. Dig deep into photos, hearing transcripts, inspection notes, letters from neighbors, etc. The hearing officer tried to be reasonable when faced with incessant excuses, delays and non-compliance. THEN ASK: Would slapping civil fines onto the owner of this property have fixed problems faster or with greater comp***ion? Can fines improve housekeeping or reduce hoarding? Might efficient citation authority aggravate a vulnerable person's emotional issues?
Ord 25-2 1/14/2025 7:04 AMEric Lein Against This ordinance will amend the City Charter (St Paul's "Constitution") and future adoption of currently undefined administrative citations will need the support of just FOUR council members. The Charter Commission's favorable vote was NOT unanimous (12 in favor, 3 opposed). Regardless of whether this is - or is not, or might be - a good idea, the final decision should be made by VOTERS on Election Day, NOT by today's seven council members. Therefore, I OPPOSE this ordinance and ask that St Paul's voters decide its fate. +1 -1