RES PH 24-103
| 1 | 1 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Resolution approving and authorizing the sale and conveyance of two HRA-owned parcels located at 729 Burr Street and 930 York Avenue; authorization to enter into development agreements; authorization to waive the subsidy cap; and authorization of expenditures for redevelopment; District 5, Wards 2 and 6 | Adopted | Pass |
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RES PH 24-104
| 1 | 2 | Resolution-Public Hearing | Resolution approving the issuance by the City of Brooklyn Park of conduit multifamily housing revenue bonds on behalf of Brooklyn Park AH II, LLLP using, in part, recycled bonding authority from the Dale Street project, 313 Dale Street North, District 8, Ward 1 | Adopted | Pass |
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SR 24-61
| 1 | 3 | Staff Report | Introduction to Face to Face’s mixed-use development at 1170 Arcade Street | Received and Filed | |
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SR 24-62
| 1 | 4 | Staff Report | Introduction to Project for Pride in Living’s mixed-use development at 892 East 7th Street | Received and Filed | |
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