Public hearing to consider the application of Wulff Funeral Home to rezone property at 1755 Nevada Avenue East and 1756 Nebraska Avenue East from R4 to VP. (Public hearing to be continued to December 21)
Staff Recommendation Approval
District Council District 2 recommended approval
Zoning Committee Recommendation Approval 6-1 (Nelson)
Support 0 people spoke, 2 letters received
Opposition 0 people spoke, 2 letters received
Planning Commission Recommendation vote:unanimous
Required Background Information
[Enter the following information:
Does this issue fall within the 60 day rule? Yes
If yes, when does the 60 days expire? November 12, 2011
Has an extension been granted? Yes
If so, to what date? January 11, 2012
Please explain]
Was proper notice given? Yes
If yes, attach proof of notification.]
Planning Commission resolution
Planning Commission minutes
Zoning Committee minutes
Deadline for action extension letter
Correspondence received
Staff Report packet