Adoption of the Hamline, Victoria, and Western Station Area Plans.
WHEREAS, Mayor Coleman asked the Planning Commission to prepare a Central Corridor Development Strategy, which is a vision and strategy for how University Avenue and the downtown area should grow and change in response to the planned investment in the Central Corridor Light Rail Transit (LRT) line; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council adopted the Central Corridor Development Strategy on October 24, 2007 as a chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Central Corridor Development Strategy recommended station area planning as a next step to further plan for desired development along the Central Corridor; and
WHEREAS, Mayor Coleman asked the Planning Commission to establish a community Steering Committee to prepare seven Station Area Plans for Westgate, Raymond, Fairview, Snelling,
Lexington, Dale, and Rice; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council adopted the Central Corridor LRT Station Area Plans for Rice, Dale, Lexington, Snelling, Fairview, Raymond, and Westgate, plus the Introduction chapter and Implementation chapter, called Moving Forward, as addenda to the Central Corridor Development Strategy, a chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, on October 22, 2008; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission established the Hamline, Western, and Victoria Station Area Planning Steering Committee to oversee the station area planning process for the "infill" stations, with members appointed by the Planning Commission chair; and
WHEREAS, the Steering Committee was representative of the affected areas in terms of geography, constituencies, and areas of expertise; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Steering Committee was to oversee the process, and to ensure consistency in approach between station areas and policy consistency with the Central Corridor Development Strategy, and other chapters of the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the bulk of the work to...
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