Appeal of Tim Braun, Public Housing Agency, to an Egress Window Non-Compliance Determination at 1584 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #A, 1588 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #A, 1604 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #G, 1612 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #G, and 1636 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #G.
Purpose of Appeal
The PHA is appealing the sill height in the first floor bedroom of the five apartments listed above. The sill heights are between 49" to 49 1/2 inches high compared to the code height of 48 inches. The wall is made of concrete block with plaster on the inside and stucco on the outside and is approximately 13"-14" thick. To install a permanent step on the inside is also a hardship since the bedrooms are small.
Date of Order(s)
Variance Recommendation
Yes, variance of 4 inches on the egress window sill height.
WHEREAS, in the matter of Tim Braun, Public Housing Agency, to an Egress Window Non-Compliance Determination at 1584 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #A, 1588 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #A, 1604 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #G, 1612 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #G AND 1636 TIMBERLAKE ROAD #G, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed the appeal and considered the testimony of City staff and the appellant;
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the City Council grant up to 4 inches variance on the sill height; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and adopts the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation in this matter.