Amending Council Files RLH AR 11-40 and RLH TA 11-158 to delete the assessment for Excessive Inspection Services billed from March 14 to April 9, 2011 at 1270 CLEVELAND AVENUE SOUTH. (File No. J1108E, Assessment No. 118084)
WHEREAS on August 3, 2011, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File Numbers. RLH AR 11-40 and RLH TA 11-158, said Resolutions being the Ratification of Assessment for Excessive Inspection Services billed from March 14 to April 9, 2011. (File No. J1108E, Assessment No. 118084); and
WHEREAS, the property at 1270 Cleveland Avenue South, being described as: Bisanz Highland Plainsno 2 Ex Wly 7o Ft Measured At Ra To Wly L Of Lot 16 Sd Lot 16 Blk 9, with the property identifification number was assessed an amount of $70.00; and
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that the reduction of $70.00, plus any accrued interests, be funded by the Exempt Assessment Fund. Council File Numbers. RLH AR 11-40 and RLH TA 11-158 are hereby amended to reflect this change.