Approving the opt out petitions requested by property owners in the Page-Woodbury Area Residential Street Vitality Project (RSVP).
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File No. 11-85, dated February 2, 2011, said resolution being the approval of the project for the 2011 Residential Street Vitality Project; including the Page-Woodbury project area (identified as File. No. 19077); and
WHEREAS, at least 70% of the property owners on the following blocks have signed a petition requesting to opt out of the project:
Wyoming - Andrew to Kansas
Winona - Andrew to Kansas
Andrew - Wyoming to Winona
Mt. Hope - Baker to Prescott
Harvard - Baker to Prescott
Belvidere - Oakdale to Harvard
Wyoming - Woodbury to Brown
; and
WHEREAS, the West Side Citizens Organization (WSCO) did not take a position on whether to support the opt out petition;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the above streets are hereby deleted from the Page-Woodbury Residential Street Vitality Project.