Appeal of Special Tax Assessment for 700 Surrey Ave for Project #: J1103B, Assessment #: 118008 in Ward 7
Property Address
700 Surrey Ave
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Cost: $337.00
Service Charge: $140.00
Total Assessment: $477.00
Gold Card Returned by: James Richard
Type of Order/Fee: Boarding
Nuisance: Fire Department had window boarded due to a dryer fire.
Date of Orders: EBL letter sent on August 23, 2010
Compliance Date: N/A
Re-Check Date:
Date Work Done: August 18, 2010
Invoice #: 12809
Returned Mail?: No
History of Orders on Property: No
Legislative Hearing Officer Recommendation
James Richard appeared.
Boarding - (four (4) windows in basement)
(Fire Department had window boarded due to a dryer fire.)
Mr. Richard explained that his tenants had called him to advise him of a small fire on the property. He went to the scene and found four (4) windows were broken in the basement but there was no reason for those windows to be broken. They were openable windows that could have been opened to air out the place. The Fire Department just chose not to. His tenant stated that he was there and he couldn't believe that they broke the windows - they just went all the way around the house and broke all the windows on the basement level. The Orders say that the dryer fire was contained inside the dryer and the venting; it never burned anything else and there wasn't much smoke. Water wasn't needed. The second reason he is appealing is that he's an insurance adjuster and he knows what it costs to board windows. He was at the scene within an hour of Fire leaving. They advised his tenants that they were going to send someone out to board up the building. In order to mitigate his damages, Mr. Richard called the number that they had and told them that he was there and he would board up the windows. He had all of his tools and it would have taken him about half and hour. They told him that someone had al...
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