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File #: ALH 10-254    Version: 1
Type: Appeal-Legislative Hearing Status: Filed
In control: Legislative Hearings
Final action: 10/26/2010
Title: Appeal of Renewal by Anderson on behalf of Nancy Borzo to an Egress Window Non-Compliance Determination at 50 Mounds Boulevard.
Sponsors: Kathy Lantry
Ward: Ward - 7, Windows
Attachments: 1. 50 Mounds Blvd.Appeal.10-20-10.pdf
Appeal of Renewal by Anderson on behalf of Nancy Borzo to an Egress Window Non-Compliance Determination at 50 Mounds Boulevard.
50 Mounds Boulevard
Purpose of Appeal
Current dimension will be short by 1" in openable height.  All other criteria will compliy.  Please approve.
Date of Order(s)
October 18, 2010
No hearing necessary.  Grant variance.
Date NameDistrictOpinionCommentAction
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