Approving the application for change of ownership to the Second Hand Dealer - Motor Vehicle license now held by Alldrive Auto Sales LLC d/b/a Alldrive Auto Sales (License ID #20240000367) for the premises located at 1265 Arcade Street.
WHEREAS, Alldrive Auto Sales LLC d/b/a Alldrive Auto Sales (License ID #20240000367) applied for a change of ownership to the Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle license on February 28, 2024, for the premises 1265 Arcade Street, in Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the license application notification was sent out by the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) on March 20, 2024, with a response date of April 4, 2024; and
WHEREAS, in response to the notification no objections or comments were received; and
WHEREAS, the Council finds that the application is in order and there are no grounds to deny approval of the license; now, therefore, be it,
RESOLVED, the change of ownership for the Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle license is hereby approved and issued to Alldrive Auto Sales LLC d/b/a Alldrive Auto Sales (License ID #20240000367) for the premises located at 1265 Arcade Street, in Saint Paul with the following existing license conditions:
1.) Final site plan approval by the Zoning Administrator shall be in substantial compliance with the site plan received February 26, 2019.
2.) A maximum of 29 parking spaces, to be allotted between customer/employee spaces and “for sale” vehicles as directed by the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI)
3.) The curb cut is moved west to align with the maneuvering lane, or the space labeled “Display 1” (located in the southeast corner of the lot) in the site plan is unoccupied by vehicles. If the curb cut remains in its current location and the “Display 1” space remains unoccupied, then the “Display 1” space shall be striped and signed for “no parkin...
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