Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 2106 MARSHALL AVENUE. (File No. CG2303A2, Assessment No. 230113)
Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: 02-06-2024
Time of LH: 3:00 PM
Date of CPH: 03-13-2024
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Postcard Returned by: Samuel E Czaplewski
Cost: $133.87
Hauling Service(s) Provided: Unpaid Garbage Bill; April 1 - June 30
Type of Order/Fee: Trash Hauling
Hauler: Waste Management
Billing Time Period: Quarter 2 (April - June) 2023
Invoice Date(s): April 1 - June 30
Returned Mail/Notice Concerns?:
Stated Reason for Appeal (if given): PO states that this property has been unoccupied since 10/30/2021 when he evicted the tenant. He states that he called Advanced Disposal on 09-23-2021 to place a service hold on the property and should not have been billed. He has been receiving the Assessment Notices, but states that he was paying them because it was easier than trying to contest them. He finally decided to contest because he is preparing to sell the property.
Staff Comments: PO called the City 01-19-2024 requesting a service hold for the property. This was forwarded to the hauler. The City has no record of contact with PO or previous request for a service hold at the property. WM states that they have not had contact with this property or PO until the service hold request forwarded to them in January 2024. The account previously belonged to Advanced Disposal. WM was able to find an old record of contact with Advanced Disposal on 09-23-2021. The notes from this interaction state, "Owner wants bill in tenants name due to having the [resident] pay it. Changed name at the owner's request." PO was not receiving garbage bills or notices of non-payment because they were being sent to the address of the previous tenant, however, PO was receiving the assessment notices. The garbage bill has gone to assessments for the following: 2023 (all quarters); 2022 (all quarters); 2021 (all quarters); 2020 (Q4- different PO).
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