Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1185 BURNS AVENUE. (File No. CG2301A3, Assessment No. 230107)
Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: 4/6/2023
Time of LH: 11:00 AM
Date of CPH: 5/24/2023
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Postcard Returned by: Galen Higgins
Cost: $288.29
Hauling Service(s) Provided: Unpaid Garbage Bill; October 1 - December 31
Type of Order/Fee: Trash Hauling
Billing Time Period: Quarter 4 (October - December) 2022
Invoice Date(s): October 1 - December 31
Garbage Hauler: Waste Management
Returned Mail/Notice Concerns?:
Stated Reason for Appeal (if given): Property owner reported that they purchased the property in 2018 and were unaware that they needed to set up a garbage account as their garbage had been picked up weekly since they moved in. Last fall, they discovered they had never set up an account and Waste Management told them they owed $3,000 in unpaid invoices. Property owner then paid WM $900 in October 2022, another $900 in November 2022, another $900 in December 2022, and another $900 in January 2023. Therefore, they do no feel that they should have to pay the assessed amount.
Staff Comments: Hauler records confirmed that they property owner had been back billed and requested that staff remove the Quarter 4 2022 assessment. According to the contract with the St Paul Consortium of haulers, no hauler is allowed to collect for any previous service periods. Therefore staff recommends removal of the assessment. Waste Management has also credited $839.74 to the account.
WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Collection of Delinquent Garbage Bills for services during October to December 2022. (File No. CG2301A3, Assessment No. 230107) and the assessment roll including all properties for which these assessments are proposed for Council ratification; and
WHEREAS, the City Council’s Legislat...
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