Authorizing the Fire Department to donate 17 treadmills to the Minneapolis Fire Department.
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department has determined that 17 treadmills listed in Attachment A are no longer needed to carry out department functions; and
WHEREAS, Section 2.02 (G) (6) g. 3 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code authorizes the City to donate surplus equipment to a bona fide organization upon a resolution that such donation is related to the function of government, serves a public purpose, and is for the benefit of the community as a whole; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department has received a request from the Minneapolis Fire Department asking for the 17 treadmills listed in Attachment A to be used by the firefighters for health and wellness; and
WHEREAS the estimated value of the treadmills is $3,400; and
WHEREAS, the City Council's transfer of the treadmills would provide the Minneapolis Fire Department with equipment to support the health and wellness of their firefighters and the equipment is no longer needed by the Saint Paul Fire Department; and
WHEREAS, the donation of this equipment is related to the function of government and has a public purpose to donate equipment to another governmental agency; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorized the donation of the treadmills list in Attachment A to the Minneapolis Fire Department on the condition that the Minneapolis Fire Department shall remove the equipment in a manner and in accordance with the time line mutually agreed upon with the Saint Paul Fire Department and shall bear all costs associated with the removal and transportation of the designated property and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon donation, the City shall have no further responsibility for said property and shall not provide any warranty, maintenance, repair, technical assistance, or any other kind of ongoing support, nor...
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