Authorizing using a Project Labor Agreement for 2023 Arterial Mill and Overlay and Pedestrian Improvements, 2023 Citywide Sidewalk Contract, 2023 City-County Sidewalk Improvements, 2023 Residential Mill and Overlay, Annapolis Street Reconstruction, Bruce Vento Safe Routes to School, Kellogg Boulevard Capital City Bikeway, Lafayette Trail, Maxfield Safe Routes to School, Minnesota Street Reconstruction, and Pierce Butler and Minnehaha Avenue Intersection Improvements, and authorizing not using a Project Labor Agreement for Otto-Shepard Bridge Rehabilitation.
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted a policy on the use of Project Labor Agreements (PLA) pursuant to Council File #09-584 for projects involving $250,000 or more of City funding; and
WHEREAS, the Public Works Division of Street Design and Construction and Public Works Division of Transportation Planning (Public Works) are undertaking the following projects in 2023 with budgets over $250,000:
2023 Arterial Mill and Overlay and Pedestrian Improvements: Resurfacing and pedestrian/ADA improvements.
2023 Citywide Sidewalk Contract: Repair and replace sidewalk on City residential sidewalks and pedestrian improvements on County roadways.
2023 City-County Sidewalk Improvements: Pedestrian safety improvements and
sidewalk repairs.
2023 Residential Mill and Overlay: Resurfacing local streets, ADA improvements.
Annapolis Street Reconstruction: Full roadway reconstruction.
Bruce Vento Safe Routes to School: Pedestrian safety improvements.
Kellogg Boulevard Capital City Bikeway: Trail and roadway construction.
Lafayette Trail: Trail construction.
Maxfield Safe Routes to School: Pedestrian safety improvements.
Minnesota Street Reconstruction: Pedestrian safety improvements.
Pierce Butler and Minnehaha Avenue Intersection Improvements: Signal and intersection reconstruction.
WHEREAS, the Public Works Division of Bridge Engineering (Public Works) is undertaking the following project ...
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