Authorizing the City, on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department, to accept a donation in the amount of $40,000 from the Midway Men's Club to support Recreation Services programming.
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Administrative Code Section (“SPAC”) §41.03 allows the City to accept any form of donation subject to the following: (a) All donations of any type in any amount of value shall be received and processes in accordance with proper and accepted accounting practices. (b) All donations shall be received and accepted by city council actions according to SPAC §41.03 and according to reporting procedures established by administration and approval by the city council. (c) All donations shall be made public and subject to periodic audit; and
WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 465.03 authorizes the City to accept gifts and donations of personal property; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Department, through recreation centers and programs offers many events, classes, and activities for youth and families in the City of Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the Midway Men's Club is a fundraising group which has supported youth activities through monetary donations in the Midway area since 1960; and
WHEREAS, the Midway Men's Club wishes to donate $40,000 for use in 2023 to enhance youth programming within the City of Saint Paul at the following Recreation Centers and Recreation programs:
Recreation Centers Allocation
Arlington Hills $1,000
Battle Creek $1,000
Dayton’s Bluff $1,000
Duluth and Case $1,000
Hayden Heights $1,000
Hazel Park $1,000
Highwood Hills $1,000
Phalen $1,000
Wilder $1,000
Hancock $4,000
Langford Park $1,000
McDonough $1,500
North Dale $2,000
Northwest Como $1,500
Rice $1,500
Frogtown $2,000
West Minnehaha $2,500
Edgcumbe $1,000
El Rio Vista $1,000
Groveland $1,000
Highland Park $1,000
Jimmy Lee/Oxford $1,500
Linwood $1,000
MLK $1,500
Merriam Park $1,500
Palace $1,000
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