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File #: RLH AR 22-98    Version:
Type: Resolution LH Assessment Roll Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Final action: 1/18/2023
Title: Ratifying the assessments for Property Clean up services during July 7 to 28, 2022. (File No. J2304A, Assessment No. 238503)
Sponsors: Amy Brendmoen
Attachments: 1. Notice Assessment Roll J2304A.238503
Related files: RLH TA 22-382, RLH TA 22-381, RLH TA 22-371, RES 22-1406, RLH TA 22-418, RLH TA 22-377


Ratifying the assessments for Property Clean up services during July 7 to 28, 2022. (File No. J2304A, Assessment No. 238503)



WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council in Council File RES 22-1406 accepted the Report of Completion for Property Clean Up on Private Properties during the time period of July 7 to July 28, 2022; and


WHEREAS, the City Council’s Legislative Hearing Officer has considered objections of affected property owners and developed recommendations for the City Council with respect to their assessments; and


WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on January 18, 2023 to consider ratification of the assessment roll; and


WHEREAS, the City Council considered and found satisfactory the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the services provided; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, that, pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota State Statutes and Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the assessment is hereby in all respects ratified with the exception of the following amendments which will be considered separately:


RLH TA 22-382:  1374 Arlington Avenue West/1437 Sheldon Street;

RLH TA 22-377:  1437 Charles Avenue;

RLH TA 22-371:  1043 Kent Street;

RLH TA 22-418:  802 Mound Street;

RLH TA 22-381:  1393 Prosperity Avenue; and be it further


RESOLVED, that the assessments be payable in one (1) installment, unless specified by the Legislative Hearing Officer’s recommended amendments.


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