Authorizing the Library Director to pay reimbursement of relocation expenses to Alessandro Affinito.
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Administrative Code §40.05 permits an appointing officer, with approval of the Director of Human Resources to pay reimbursement of relocation expenses if an employee incurs a move of over 200 miles as a result of changing employment; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Public Library has hired Alessandro Affinito as a Librarian I in the Youth Services Division of the George Latimer Central Library and she will be relocating from New York City, New York, therefore
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted in Saint Paul Administrative Code §40.05 the Director of Human Resources authorizes the Saint Paul Public Library Director to execute a written agreement with Ms. Affinito describing the specific expenses which may be paid and the total dollar value which will not exceed $10,000 without council authorization.