Amending the financing and spending plan in the Department of Parks and Recreation in the amount of $2,033,347 to reflect funds received from the Lower Phalen Creek Project for the Wakan Tipi project.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, through its Department of Parks and Recreation, is providing technical design support for design and construction of the proposed Wakan Tipi Center at Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary; and
WHEREAS, the Lower Phalen Creek Project (LPCP) has received $4 million in State bonds and is actively pursuing private donations and grants; and
WHEREAS, the City and the LPCP entered into a development agreement with LPCP operating and maintaining Wakan Tipi Center under a long term lease; and
WHEREAS, LPCP has agreed to provide an additional $2,033,347 to the Department for construction; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of Parks and Recreation to amend the financing and spending budget for the project in the amount of $2,033,347; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation, funds of $2,033,347 in excess of those estimated in the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $2,033,347 is available for appropriation in the 2021 Capital Improvement Budget, and said 2021 budget, as therefore adopted by the Council, is hereby further amended.
Financial Analysis
See Attachment
CIB Recommendation
The St. Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee received this request on May 9, 2022 and recommended approval.