Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 765 CORTLAND PLACE. (File No. CG2201A3, Assessment No. 220102)
Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: 04/07/2022
Time of LH: 2:00 PM
Date of CPH: 5/25/2022
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Postcard Returned by: Rebecca Lee
Cost: $175.82
Hauling Service(s) Provided: Unpaid Garbage Bill; October 1 - December 31
Type of Order/Fee: Trash Hauling
Billing Time Period: Quarter 3 (July - September) 2021
Invoice Date(s): October 1 - December 31
Garbage Hauler: Waste Management
Returned Mail/Notice Concerns?:
Stated Reason for Appeal (if given): Property owner stated that they received an Invoice and Final Notice from the City for a Quarter 4 2021 garbage assessment for the vacant rental property in question. After receiving the notice, they called Waste Management on 07/31/2021 to request a service hold be put into effect. The customer service representative who answered the call told the property owner would put the property "on hold," which would go into effect within 30 days and that they should call back when they wanted to resume service. The customer service representative did not request that the property owner fill out a UDRF or temporary service hold, which is required by both the City and the haulers. Therefore, the property owner would like to request the Quarter 4 2021 amount of $175.82 be removed. They are also unsure as to why the assessment amount for Quarter 4 2021 is so much more than the Quarter 3 2021 invoice.
Staff Comments: Hauler records show that Rebecca did call about a service hold on 8/12/2021 on behalf of her mother's account for 765 Cortland Place. They were told that they would be emailed a temporary service hold form to fill out. They were also told to access the service hold on the Saint Paul website. The service hold was never received by the hauler following this call. Rebecca then called again on 8/19/2021 after creating a new account for the property in their name. Notes from the cal...
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